5-08-080 Correctional Treatment Center Discharge Procedures


To establish the procedure for discharging an inmate from the Correctional Treatment Center and returning him to general population housing.


This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to the Twin Towers Correctional Facility (TTCF).


Inmates are temporarily housed in the Correctional Treatment Center (CTC) for medical or mental health treatment.  When these needs are met and an inmate is fit to return to general population, the following procedures shall be followed:

•    If the inmate requires medication or additional psychiatric care, personnel from Medical Services or Mental Health Services will assign the inmate to the appropriate housing location based on availability.

•    The assigned escort deputy for each floor will meet with the nursing staff at the respective floor and receive a transfer list.  The deputy will escort the inmates to their newly assigned housing location within TTCF or Men’s Central Jail (MCJ).  CTC custody personnel will contact module staff at the inmate’s newly assigned housing unit and inform them of the transfer. 

•    If an inmate under mental observation status is to be transferred to MCJ, the escort deputy will ensure the inmate is de-classed at IRC Classification during the transfer to MCJ.  Nursing staff shall provide the escort deputy with the necessary forms.