Proper food service is an important part of inmate management. To comply with State law and Departmental policies, the following procedures regarding food preparation shall be adhered to.
This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at Twin Towers Correctional Facility.
The Food Services Manager is ultimately responsible for all food preparation at Twin Towers Correctional Facility.
The shift watch commander or his designee shall be responsible for inspecting the inmate meal prior to it being delivered to the housing areas. This inspection shall focus on the consistency and texture of the food in order to ensure a high standard of quality. A notation of this inspection shall be made in the Facility Unit Log. Refer to CDM 3-06/040.00, Inmate Food Inspection.
The temperature of the food shall be randomly tested, using a Bi-metallic Stemmed Thermometer, by a food service representative in the kitchen and by a deputy or CA in the modules. The kitchen inspection shall be noted in the Food Service Daily Log (Red Book), which is located in the Kitchen Office. The temperature of the food in the module shall be taken just prior to serving and shall be logged in the UDAL (Title 15).
After taking the food temperature, the thermometer must be cleaned and sanitized using hot water and dish soap or alcohol wipes. The thermometer must be calibrated on a weekly basis, or if dropped.
To calibrate the thermometer:
Fill a medium sized cup with ice and cold water.
Place the thermometer in the glass and wait three minutes
After three minutes, if the temperature does not read 32 degrees Fahrenheit, repeat the process.
If the thermometer still does not read 32 degrees Fahrenheit, leave the thermometer in the glass and adjust the nut on the back of the thermometer until the needle reads 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Add more ice if necessary. Wait three minutes
If the thermometer still does not read 32 degrees Fahrenheit, personnel shall deliver the thermometer in it’s labeled holder to the Tower I Kitchen Main Control Booth for repair. A replacement thermometer shall be provided.
Hot food must maintain a temperature of 140 degrees Fahrenheit. If the temperature reading is greater than 130 degrees but less than 135 degrees, personnel shall return the food to the Tower I Kitchen for re-heating. If a temperature reading is below 129 degrees, personnel shall notify the Food Services Manager at 893-5064, and return the food to the Tower I Kitchen where it will be discarded.
Cold food (with the exception of fruit punch) must be served reasonably cold (40 degrees Fahrenheit) to limit the growth of bacteria that can cause food related illness. To this end, TTCF personnel must ensure module refrigerators are functioning properly and maintaining an adequately cold temperature. If a refrigerator is not working properly, TTCF personnel shall submit a priority maintenance repair request. Refer to the TTCF Unit Order #3-50-010, Facility Maintenance and Maintenance Request Procedures.
The Food Services Manager has designated a Senior Cook to make himself available to both Tower I and Tower II in order to oversee the serving of each meal. The Senior Cook will ultimately be responsible for the food’s temperature and the way the meal is presented (served) by inmate food service workers. Any discrepancy in the amount of food being delivered to each housing area or any concern regarding its contents should be immediately reported to the Senior Cook.
Uniformed personnel assigned to meal set-up (both in the kitchen and in the module), shall be responsible for ensuring all inmate workers assigned as food handlers are advised of appropriate hygiene procedures and follow strict Health Department guidelines. Each inmate shall be required to wear hairnets, gloves, and wash their hands whenever they change gloves. Uniformed personnel shall also be responsible for monitoring inmate workers when the food is being served. Refer to Health and Safety Code, Section 114020, CDM 5-11/040.00, Food Handling, and TTCF Unit Order #5-06-050, Inmate Food Service Workers Medical Screening and Housing