5-02-310 Facility Tours


To establish guidelines for conducting tours of the Twin Towers Correctional Facility (TTCF).                                                              


This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to the Twin Towers Correctional Facility.


The TTCF Operations staff shall schedule and coordinate all facility tours. Tours for members of the Department and their qualified guests may be scheduled as feasible.  Scheduling of general public tours shall be at the convenience of TTCF Operations staff, but offered no fewer than two days per week. 

General Tour Rules:

  • Be 18 years of age or older, or,
  • Under 18 years of age with the expressed approval of the Unit Commander, and parental permission
  • Have a state driver's license or identification card, selective service registration, military identification, or passport
  • All members of the public and non-Departmental persons (such as, prospective chaplains, volunteers, vendors, other law enforcement agency employees, other government entity employees, etc.) shall complete and sign a Tour Agreement and Civil Claims Release form (SH-J-444).  Signed forms shall be forwarded to TTCF Operations
  • Not have had any prior felony convictions,
  • Have no family, friends or acquaintances currently incarcerated in the facility
  • Not have been incarcerated at TTCF
  • No audio and/or video recording or photographs are permitted during the tour without the express permission of the watch commander
  • No cellular telephones or other wireless communication devices shall be permitted within security under any circumstances. Anyone bringing a wireless communication device into a secure jail environment is in violation of California Penal Code section 4575(a), a misdemeanor, and subject to prosecution
  • All provisions of California Penal Code sections 4570, "Communications with Prisoners," 4570.5, "False Identification to Secure Admission to Prisons and Jails," 4571, "Ex-convict Coming Upon Prison," 4573, "Controlled Substances, Bringing into Prison or Jail," and 4573.5, "Alcoholic Beverages, Bringing into Prison or Jail," shall apply to all participants of public jail tours
  • Reasonable accommodation will be made for handicapped or disabled persons provided the accommodation does not affect the security, safety, and operation of the jail facility
  • Deputy Sheriff Trainee and Custody Assistant Trainee Applicant tours shall be scheduled on Saturdays, during the AM shift

Note:   Unit Commanders, at their discretion, may approve anyone to participate in a facility tour.

Custody Automated Reporting and Tracking System (CARTS) Documentation

All completed public jail tours shall be documented in the CARTS module titled, “Facility Tour.”

Once a tour has been approved by TTCF Operations, the time and date shall be recorded on the TTCF Operations Tour Calendar. Whenever possible, members of the general public shall be required to furnish names and identification in advance of the actual tour.

All information for scheduled tours shall be forwarded to the TTCF Facility Control staff.

On the tour date, participants shall assemble at the employee entrance at a designated time. The TTCF watch sergeant shall ensure a uniformed TTCF deputy is assigned to direct the tour.

The Facility Control Deputy shall:

  • Collect identification from all participants in exchange for a visitor’s pass
  • Record the names, identification numbers and visitor pass numbers on the     TTCF Tour Log Sheet

Upon completion of the tour, civilian identifications shall be returned and the completed Tour Log Sheet, as well as the Tour Agreement and Civil Claims Release form, shall be forwarded to Operations for filing.

All personnel are reminded that facility tours are general in nature. The primary concern is the safety of tour guests and security of the facility. Tours shall not include "sensitive areas," portions of the complex that would invade the rights and privacy of housed inmates, or high security modules, unless approved by the on-duty watch commander.

In the absence of the operations staff, the watch commander may approve a facility tour. The watch commander has the discretion to refuse participation of anyone who presents a compromise to security or normal operations of the facility.

In the event that the tour group consists of dignitaries, or any group(s) of a sensitive nature, the Sheriff's Information Bureau (SIB) shall be notified (per MPP 3-09/180.00) and will coordinate the specifics of the tour.