4-01-010 Reporting Routing Procedures

PURPOSE OF ORDER:                                                    

The purpose of this order is to ensure all required reports at Twin Towers Correctional Facility (TTCF) are completed in an expeditious manner and distributed accordingly.


This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at TTCF.


A reference number shall be obtained for all reports at TTCF.  A Uniform Report Number (URN) shall be obtained for all occurrences involving a crime, suspected crime or injury.  When an incident occurs, such as a Battery, 242 P.C., all reports associated to that incident shall be issued the same URN and reference number.  The handling deputy/officer shall be responsible for obtaining the appropriate report numbers from Facility Control.

All personnel with any type of report assigned to them shall not leave TTCF until the report is read, approved, signed by a sergeant, and submitted to the watch sergeant. Only if the report is approved for deferral by the watch sergeant, may personnel leave TTCF for the day, prior to final submission. 

All Incident Reports (SH-R-49) shall be submitted to the designated investigating unit within five (5) days of the initial reporting date.

In cases which may potentially result in inmate discipline being issued, wherein the report is deferred, the inmate shall not be moved to the Pre-Discipline Module.  The inmate shall remain in his original module unless circumstances dictate that he be moved (i.e., involved in a fight, conflict with another inmate, etc.).  The inmate shall then be moved only with the approval of the floor sergeant.

Incident Reports (SH-R-49)

Any time there is evidence that a crime, suspected crime, or other incident warranting the completion of an Incident Report (SH-R-49) has occurred (e.g. attempt suicide, lost property, etc.) in the facility, a corresponding Incident Report (SH-R-49) shall be generated.

Once completed, the report shall be given to the floor or watch sergeant for approval.  The floor or watch sergeant shall assign the proper designated investigative unit(s) (e.g., Jail Investigations Unit, Narcotics, etc.), and sign the report.  The sergeant shall then forward the report to the watch commander for review.  Once reviewed by the watch commander, the report shall then be delivered to the TTCF Operations office for processing.

Inmate Discipline Report

An inmate discipline report documents inmate violations of jail rules for the purpose of administrative discipline.  An inmate discipline report is completed via the Inmate Report Tracking System (IRTS).

When the incident requires the completion of an Incident Report (SH-R-49), discipline shall not be imposed unless an IRTS entry is submitted and is reviewed by the disciplinary sergeant during a Disciplinary Review Board (DRB) hearing.

An IRTS entry is prepared by the deputy or custody assistant directly involved in the incident of the alleged violation of jail rules.  Under most circumstances, this report shall be completed, approved, and submitted prior to the end of the author’s shift.  The person preparing the discipline report shall also print a Notice of Disciplinary Violation (SH-J 380) which is delivered it to the inmate.

Discipline charges pending against an inmate shall be acted on no sooner than 24 hours after the report has been submitted to the disciplinary sergeant and the inmate has been informed of the charges in writing.  The 24 hour period begins after the report has been submitted and the inmate has received a notice that they are subject to discipline for their conduct. 

Once a DRB hearing has been conducted, the report shall be reviewed by the watch sergeant for accuracy.  The report will then be reviewed by the watch commander. 

Inmate Injury/Illness Reports (SH-J-212)

Whenever an inmate is injured, an Inmate Injury/Illness Report (SH-J-212) shall be written.  The inmate shall be escorted to the clinic and the medical staff's evaluation shall also be added to the report.  Once the report has been completed, it shall be given to the floor sergeant for approval.  The completed report shall be forwarded to the watch sergeant and watch commander for final review and approval.  The completed reports shall be maintained by the TTCF Operations office.

If an ill inmate needs to be transported to Los Angeles County + USC Medical Center (LCMC), or another hospital for treatment, TTCF personnel shall complete an Inmate Injury/Illness Report (SH-J-212).  If the ill inmate does not require treatment at a hospital, personnel from the inmate’s assigned housing location shall make a note in the electronic Uniform Daily Activity Log (e-UDAL) that the inmate was escorted to the respective tower clinic for evaluation and treatment.

The report shall be approved and submitted prior to leaving TTCF.  All reports shall be submitted as a complete package (e.g., Incident Report [SH-R-49], Inmate Incident Report, Inmate Injury/Illness Report [SH-J212] and Special Handling Card) to the watch sergeant.