To establish the responsibilities of civilian staff. This order shall also provide a list of support services available at the Twin Towers Correctional Facility.
This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to Twin Towers Correctional Facility.
The primary responsibilities of civilian personnel are to perform their specific job tasks and to immediately advise sworn security personnel on matters concerning safety, security or disciplinary infractions. Security regulations applicable to sworn personnel also apply to civilian personnel.
Civilian employees shall perform all assigned job tasks within the scope of their employment and are responsible to the Personnel Sergeant, Department Director, or designee (e.g., Custody Division, Medical Services, Food Services, Education Department, Inmate Services).
Support services personnel are made up of professionals employed by the Sheriff's Department to provide services and care for inmates in the custody of the Department. Their positions are required to provide the support services necessary to the operation of the TTCF. These positions include clerical, technical, supervisory and managerial assignments. Services that are provided include, but are not limited to: medical and mental health care, religious, commissary, culinary, and counseling.
Support services personnel have a professional responsibility to view all inmates as patients or customers and at the same time be cognizant of, and responsive to, the
security needs of the facility. All personnel (sworn and non-sworn) must work together to maintain quality care and services along with prudent security practices.
Significant points of conflict between custody and support services personnel shall be communicated to the Watch Commander and/or the Lieutenant in charge of that support service. It shall be the responsibility of the respective Lieutenant to coordinate the security function with the support staff.
Custody staff and support services personnel shall conduct themselves professionally in a spirit of mutual cooperation. The goal of all TTCF personnel shall be the smooth and effective operation of this facility.
Support services shall be provided by the following:
Medical/Mental Health Services
Shall provide trained medical/mental health staff members to administer emergency and basic health care, as needed, within the facility. The Medical Liaison Lieutenant and the LCMC Lieutenant shall act as liaisons with Medical/Mental Health Services staff.
Food Services
Shall provide trained culinary staff members to prepare and serve meals within the facility. The Facility Lieutenant shall act as a liaison with the Food Services staff and contract workers.
Sheriff’s Facility Maintenance
Shall provide trained maintenance and mechanical personnel to maintain and service the facility. The Facility Lieutenant shall act as a liaison with the Sheriff’s Facility Maintenance staff.
The following services shall be coordinated by Custody Division's Inmate Services Unit:
Educational Services
Inmate Services Unit shall coordinate educational programs for the inmates with the
Hacienda La Puente School District. Health/Science classes shall be offered in conjunction with regular academic achievement classes.
Religious Services
Services provided by Chaplains are: inmate counseling for spiritual, personal or family related problems, religious reading material, worship services, bible studies, death notifications, and family counseling. Chaplains shall not provide legal, bail bond, medical, psychiatric, marriages, money draw, personal care items, or inmate classification services.
Volunteer Organizations
Organized volunteer groups from the community shall, with the approval of the Division Chief, be permitted to visit inmates within the facility. The purpose of such visits shall include, but not be limited to, drug/alcohol rehabilitation, religious and educational programs for inmates.
Jail Stores/Commissary
Jail Stores provides necessary access to personal hygiene items along with writing, reading and other material for the inmates.
The Facility Lieutenant shall act as a liaison with the Inmate Services Unit.