1-10-041 Distribution of Manuals


To establish the number and location of TTCF Unit Manuals and Departmental Manuals assigned to the Twin Towers Correctional Facility.


This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to the Twin Towers Correctional Facility.


No unit copy of any manual shall be the personal property of an individual member of the unit.  No copies are to be reproduced without the permission of the Unit Commander or designate.

No assigned copy of any manual shall be taken from one unit to another by a transferring employee.  Assigned manuals shall not be removed from their designated locations.

The responsibility of the manuals shall be under the direction of the Operations Sergeant.  When an update is received or an order is approved by the Unit Commander, the Operations Sergeant shall:

1.         Note if additional distribution is required,

2.         Forward a copy to the Unit Manuals Coordinator (the coordinator shall assure that the distribution is made and each manual assigned to TTCF is updated with the new/revised order),

3.         Prepare a briefing to notify personnel of the new/revised manual update.

The Department Manuals of Policy and Procedures (MPP) are assigned by number and shall be kept in the following locations:

  • Unit Commander's Office
  • Operations Office
  • Operations Sergeant's Office
  • Watch Commander's Office - Tower I
  • Watch Sergeant's Office - Tower I
  • MSB/Clinic Sergeant's Office - Tower II
  • Training Office - Tower II

Library copies of the MPP shall be located in the following offices:

  • Operations Office (Unit Library) (2)
  • Watch Commander's Office - Tower I (1)

Custody Division Manuals of Policy and Procedures shall be located in the following locations:

  • Same location as the Department Manual of Policy and Procedures.

Library copies of the CDM shall be located in the following locations:

  • Same location as the Department Manual of Policy and Procedures.

TTCF Unit Manuals of Policy and Procedures shall be located in the following locations:

  • Same location as the Department Manual of Policy and Procedures.

Library copies of the TTCF Unit Manual shall be located in the following locations:

  • Same location as the Department Manual of Policy and Procedures.

The Unit Manuals Coordinator shall forward a copy of the Unit Manual revisions to the Custody Support Services Unit, Custody Division Headquarters, as they occur.

Library copies of the Department Manual of Policy and Procedures contain the same volumes as the "formal" copies and are primarily assigned to units to be made available to unit employees who wish to borrow a copy for study purposes, etc.

The Unit Manuals Coordinator shall maintain a check out/check in system to record and control the location of all Library copies borrowed by Unit Personnel.  Refer to Unit Order 1-10-050 (Unit Library) for additional manuals in the Unit Library.