01-01 Bureau Orders, Plans and Guidelines
01-02 Court Liaison Plan / e-Subpoena System
01-05 Overtime Usage and Tracking
01-06 Wrong Door and Damage Repair
01-07 Internet and Intranet Web Sites
01-08 Employee Medical Emergencies
01-09 Notifications
01-10 Bureau Fund
01-11 Work Schedules
02-01 County Vehicles
03-01 Investigative Expenses and Claims 03-02 Informant Fees
04-04 Warrant Service and Document Retention
04-08 Building Evacuation Plan
04-09 Use of Surveillance Aircraft
11-01 Fictitious Identification Documents
13-01 Case Level Evaluation, Assignment & Tracking System C.L.E.A.T.S.
15-01 Detective Uniforms
17-01 Wall Mounted Rifles and Shotguns