Effective Date: | May 1, 2001 | Last Date Revised | October 20, 2020 |
Date Reviewed: | October 20, 2020 | Next Review Date: | October 20, 2021 |
The purpose of this order is to outline the procedures for the placing and securing of rifles and/or shotguns in locking wall mounted racks, during working hours, at FCCB facilities equipped with locking wall mounted racks.
The first sworn deputy that arrives at a FCCB facility equipped with locking wall mounted rifle/shotgun racks will have the responsibility of removing the rifle/shotguns from the facilities' gun safe and locking/securing them in the racks.
The last sworn deputy leaving a FCCB facility equipped with locking wall mounted rifle/shotgun racks has the responsibility of removing the rifle/shotgun from the rack and securing them in the gun safe.
The gun safe is not be left open during business hours, or during hours when sworn personnel are not present. Once the need to access the gun safe is taken care of, the gun safe needs to be locked. A spare rifle/shotgun rack key will be kept in the safe.