13-01 Case Level Evaluation, Assignment & Tracking System C.L.E.A.T.S.






Bureau Order Number: 13-01


Effective Date: May 1, 2001 Last Date Revised October 20, 2020
Date Reviewed: October 20, 2020 Next Review Date: October 20, 2021




The purpose of this order is to outline the policies regarding the use of The Case Level Evaluation and Tracking System (C.L.E.AT.S.) by investigators, supervisors and professional staff assigned to Fraud & Cyber Crime Bureau. It is intended to ensure uniform case management procedures in accordance with established Department standards.


In an effort to improve Fraud & Cyber Crime Bureau's case management procedures, C.L.E.A.T.S. was implemented January 1 , 2009. C.L.E.A.T.S. has given investigators the ability to better manage their individual cases, supervisors the ability to better manage the Bureau caseload, and provides managers with multi-layered information to better evaluate Bureau effectiveness and efficiency.

This case management system further provides improved case management information for a unit commander, and allows managers, supervisors and the individual detectives to better manage their responsibilities. C.L.E.A.T.S. was also designed as an adjunct to LARCIS. This database was able to fill a niche were LARCIS fell short.


This policy is directed to all Fraud & Cyber Crimes Bureau personnel, specifically those involved with the input, assignment, investigation, documentation, processing, review, approval and filing of Bureau casework.


Proper reporting procedures shall be followed. All personnel involved will be held directly accountable for the concise, accurate and complete reporting and review required in the case management process.



The Bureau Commander will ensure that all personnel have been thoroughly briefed on this order. Special attention will be given to newly assigned personnel to ensure they are properly trained and familiar with all aspects of this order and the C.L,EA.T.S. system functions.


  1. Case Assignment

When any case is assigned, reassigned or inactivated, both C.L.E.A.T.S. and LARCIS shall be appropriately updated in a timely manner by a designated supervisor or an appropriate professional staff member. Investigators shall acknowledge the assignment of their cases in both C.L.E.A.T.S and LARCIS.

  1. Case Journals

Any investigative information received or developed regarding the case shall be documented in the database case file utilizing the investigators case journal contained in the C.L.E.A.T.S program. The electronic case journal was designed to replace "Red Books" and investigator logs and to document the current disposition or status of each case. This feature also allows the team supervisor to monitor and review each case too further ensure appropriate investigative procedures are being followed per this Bureau Order.

  1. Automated Reports and Statistical Information

The CL.E.A.T.S. system was designed to reduce redundancy in certain data entry tasks performed daily by Fraud & Cyber Crime Bureau investigators. For this reason, a number of forms, reports and statistical information were automated. For the sake of consistency, these automated forms and statistical modules shall be utilized to document and update case information and inactivate or close cases.

Some team cases may be self-generated and involve the use of informants. With prior approval from the Bureau Commander, said teams may use C.L.E.A.T.S. for statistical purposes only.
It shall be incumbent upon all investigators to have their case work, case logs, personal logs and statistical information current and up to date prior to the 1st day of every month.

Failure to provide this information will cause the monthly Bureau reports to reflect inaccurate statistical information.

Supervisors shall routinely review all C.L.E.A.T.S. generated logs and reports. Upon verifying the information contained within these logs and/or reports to be accurate and complete, an immediate supervisor shall sign with the name, employee number and date his/her approval.

  1. C.L.E.A.T.S. Database Maintenance and Programing

Any and all modifications of the C.L.E.A.T.S. program shall have the prior approval of the Bureau Commander. Only a designated administrator(s) shall be authorized to make any modifications of the C.L.E.A.T.S. program. This includes, but is not limited to; adding or deleting personnel to the local workgroups, adding or deleting teams to the local workgroups, adding or deleting classifications or court names for the automated reports, editing the operations menu, accessing, compacting or repairing the C.L.E.A.T.S. database, etc. Unauthorized persons who are not involved in the administrative process of the C.L.E.A.T.S program may damage the system resulting in irreparable changes.

The intent of this order is to provide guidelines necessary to make certain that Bureau casework, as it specifically pertains to the C.L.E.A.T.S. database, is inputted, completed, reviewed, approved and processed in a thorough, consistent, accurate, and uniform manner and precludes unauthorized individuals from making changes to or damaging the system.