03-01 Investigative Expenses and Claims






Bureau Order Number: 03-01


Effective Date: May 1, 2001 Last Date Revised October 20, 2020
Date Reviewed: October 20, 2020 Next Review Date: October 20, 2021




The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for the use of investigative funds. This order is not all-inclusive. It shall be the responsibility for the individual requesting the use of the funds and the supervisors approving the use, to be familiar with Manual of Policy and Procedures section 3-05/050.05, Bureau Order 3-01 , and Government Code section 29435.


Fraud & Cyber Crimes Bureau has funds at its disposal for use in investigations. Only the Operations Lieutenant and the Bureau Commander have access to the funds. As the funds are spent, they are reimbursed by Fiscal Administration.


Government Code section 29430 establishes a Sheriff's Special Appropriations Fund. In accordance with Government Code section 29435, this fund is only to be used for:

  • Expenses incurred in criminal cases arising in the county, and/or
  • Expenses necessarily incurred in the preservation of peace, and/or
  • Expenses necessarily incurred in the suppression of crime.

Authorized expenditures are considered as, but not limited to:

  1. Admissions
  2. Investigations — Undercover
  3. General: expenses not covered by other categories but which are essential to the successful completion of an investigation and which have specific approval of the Division Chief or Commander
  4. Wagers
  5. Purchases necessary for the specific investigation
  6. Informant or Witness payments
  7. Investigative travel, subsistence, mileage, and parking


When an investigator needs funds for an investigation, they shall do the following:

  1. Complete a Blue Slip
    1. File number required. If no file number, write "no file" and have the lieutenant initial it.
    2. Date the slip
    3. Amount received: After the dollar sign, write the amount out on the second line, spell out the amount as you would on a check. Example: Three Hundered-OO/100.
    4. Write reason. Example: "Fraud Investigation"
    5. Received by: Sign and print your name on the line above.
    6. Employee Number
  2. Give the Blue slip to the appropriate unit lieutenant for approval.
  3. If the team lieutenant is unavailable. Seek approval from another Bureau lieutenant.
  4. Accompany the lieutenant to the safe.
  5. The lieutenant will note the transaction on the Investigative Funds
    1. . Write "advance" and the line number of the transaction on the log on top of the Blue Slip.
  6. The lieutenant will give the investigator the funds and put the Blue slip in the funds box. The lieutenant will give the investigator the funds and put the Blue slip in the funds box.
  7. The investigator is responsible for the funds given to them. Immediately upon conclusion of the investigation, the investigator shall complete a Special Appropriation Expense Claim form (checking the individual claim box) and supply documentation supporting the dispersal of the funds. A memorandum, detailing the need for the expense, is always required along with any report(s), receipts, or other forms of documentation. The investigator shall give the claim form, memorandum, and supporting documentation to their supervisor for approval. Claims will be submitted no later than 1200 hours on Tuesday. Claims will cover the previous week (Monday - Sunday).
  8. If the investigator did not use all of the funds given to him or her, the unspent funds will be kept in the safe in an envelope with the investigator's name and the case number on it, until Fiscal Administration reimburses the amount the investigator disbursed. Periodically, the investigator shall have the unit lieutenant check to determine if the reimbursement has arrived. If the investigator did not use all of the funds given to him or her, the unspent funds will be kept in the safe in an envelope with the investigator's name and the case number on it, until Fiscal Administration reimburses the amount the investigator disbursed
  9. Periodically, the investigator shall have the unit lieutenant check to determine if the reimbursement has arrived. Upon receiving the reimbursement, the lieutenant will count the reimbursed funds. The total of the reimbursement, and any unused funds (if any) shall total the amount of funds disbursed on the Blue slip. The lieutenant will write "canceled" and the date on the "Blue" slip, and complete the return section of the Investigative Funds Log. The investigator shall then make a copy of the "Blue" slip and give it to the lieutenant. The lieutenant shall place the copy in the log book and give the original "Blue" slip to the investigator.

The Operations Lieutenant shall be responsible for the distribution of the funds, completing the Investigative Funds Log, and approving the "Blue" slip.

When a supervisor receives a Special Appropriation Expense Claim form, he or she shall review it and make sure the supporting documentation has been attached. He or she will complete a Special Appropriation Expense form. The claim form and documentation shall be given to the Operations Lieutenant or Operation Sergeant.

The Operations Lieutenant or Operations Sergeant shall review the claim form and documentation submitted by the supervisor. The Operations Lieutenant or Operations Sergeant shall review the completed Special Appropriation Expense Claim form for the entire Bureau, checking the Bureau claim box. The complete package shall be forwarded to the Bureau Commander for final review and approval.

The Operations Lieutenant or Operations Sergeant shall be responsible for completing the monthly Outstanding Blues Audit form, and the yearly Investigative Funds Audit worksheet.

The funds are reconciled with Detective Division Headquarters and then a check cut to the unit or employee.