Effective Date: | May 1, 2001 | Last Date Revised | October 20, 2020 |
Date Reviewed: | October 20, 2020 | Next Review Date: | October 20, 2021 |
The purpose of this order is to outline the procedures for making notifications for both routine and unusual or possible high profile events. The Units within Fraud & Cyber Crimes Bureau (FCCB), each of which have unique and diverse responsibilities, generate a myriad of complex investigations. Many of the activities of the personnel within the units require timely notifications to FCCB Operations in order to ensure a smooth working environment. Additionally, there are a number of notifications that have mandated time frames for completion and submission of the documentation. FCCB Operations is directly responsible for ensuring that the mandated time frames are met.
Because of the need for immediate communications, the reporting of unusual circumstances must be consistent throughout the Bureau. Therefore, the following events shall immediately be reported to FCCB Operations:
Ideally, e-mail communication provides the best process to document the events and provides the ability to forward the indicated documentation up the chain of command. However, when in the field, phone notifications are encouraged. If you are not sure if an incident should be reported or not, to error on the side of notification is recommended,
The intent of this part of the order is to highlight not only the accomplishments of our personnel and the complex financial cases we investigate, but also to communicate these significant investigations to the specific commands from which these cases were generated.
To that end, a Filing Synopsis should be written to capture those cases of significant interest. This brief synopsis should include cases of media interest, high dollar losses or unique financial crimes.
The intent of this synopsis is not to regenerate the entire investigation, but rather to provide a very brief note to station commanders, or designated personnel for cases that they or their contract cities would have an interest.