Effective Date: | May 1, 2001 | Last Date Revised | October 20, 2020 |
Date Reviewed: | October 20, 2020 | Next Review Date: | October 20, 2021 |
This order sets forth Fraud & Cyber Crimes Bureau's policy regarding the Bureau's website.
The Operations Lieutenant or his designee shall be responsible for checking the website monthly to ensure that it is current and accurate. Major updates shall not be posted on the website without prior approval of the Bureau Commander.
Each team lieutenant shall ensure that their unit's portion of the Bureau's web site is accurate, updated and appropriate. Periodic updates should not extend beyond a one year time frame. Major update requests should be submitted to the Operations Sergeant and Lieutenant, who will then forward the request to the Bureau Commander for approval.
The Bureau Commander will designate a site web Author, who will maintain the websites on regular basis.