Effective Date: | May 1, 2001 | Last Date Revised | October 16, 2020 |
Date Reviewed: | October 20, 2020 | Next Review Date: | October 20, 2021 |
The purpose of this order is to provide guidance for the usage of overtime and the managerial responsibilities for tracking overtime expenditures incurred by Bureau personnel. These guidelines are intended to ensure the Bureau's strict compliance with Department regulations and assure the judicious use of overtime.
Bureau personnel shall not work overtime when their job can be performed during regular work hours. Investigators, and most first-line supervisors assigned to Fraud & Cyber Crimes Bureau, work a Flex 40 schedule, a 9-80 schedule or a 4-10 schedule. Each schedule shall be assigned to better manage their regular work hours and adjust their schedule to meet the needs of their investigations while keeping paid overtime at a minimum.
Approval for paid overtime shall be received from the team lieutenant prior to the overtime being worked. When an investigator or unit supervisor determines a need for overtime, the prior approval of the team lieutenant must be obtained. In the absence of the team lieutenant, the approval will be authorized by the Operations Lieutenant. The approving supervisor's name and the anticipated number of pre-approved overtime hours shall be noted on the overtime slip.
All operations which require the use of overtime will be carefully evaluated in terms of cost-effectiveness.
Bureau personnel who are called-back to work after completing their 40-hour work week will be compensated according to their applicable MOU.
However, the authorization to return back to work shall be approved by the team lieutenant or the team sergeant. Bureau personnel shall receive four hours of compensation for any call-back. This minimum applies whether or not the employee actually works a full four hours.
Various procedures will be utilized to measure the Bureau's effectiveness in managing overtime expenditures. They are prepared by the Bureau Operations timekeeping coordinator. They include: