60/09 EPIC Evidence Disposal


This order outlines the process of proper Evidence Property Inventory Control (EPIC) disposal procedures.



This order shall apply to all Evidence and Property Custodians and Office Staff.



Every two years, the Central Property and Evidence (CPE) Unit lieutenant shall contact the EPIC coordinator, a Senior Information Systems Analyst at Data Systems Bureau for the creation of the EPIC disposal forms for active cases. Once the forms are created, they will be placed in the CPE shared file by station.


A link to the EPIC disposal forms is created and then sent by the CPE lieutenant or sergeant to the individual unit/station captain. The unit/station will use the link to print out their disposal orders. The station investigating officer will determine if the evidence is needed for the investigation or if the evidence should be disposed. The forms will be signed by the investigating officer and a lieutenant, then sent to CPE.


When the disposal orders are received at CPE, the Operations Assistant II, shall count and update the disposal orders in the EPIC system. If a disposal form reflects a “HOLD” status, that disposal form shall be updated into EPIC. If the evidence/property is to be returned to the owner, then the disposal order and property card (PC) are matched and await the arrival of the owner (up to 120 days). Disposal forms marked for destruction are then matched to the corresponding Property Card (PC) and placed in a file for disposal.