40/06 Security of Keys



A key for every lock in the facility shall be kept in the Master Key Locker.  The Unit Commander, Sergeant, Supervising Operations Assistant II, and Warehouse Supervisors shall  each have a key to the Master Key Locker.  Anyone wishing access to the Master Key Locker must present their request to the Unit Commander or his designees. 


The Unit Commander, or his designees, are the only unit members allowed access to the Master Key Locker. 


Any key removed from the Master Key Locker must be returned immediately after use.  The individual returning the key must notify the Unit Commander, or his designees, that he/she wishes access to the Master Key Locker for the purpose of returning a borrowed key.




Keys assigned to specific staff members must be safeguarded at all times.  The responsible staff member must ensure that any keys assigned to him/her is secure and accounted for at all times.  Any missing keys must be reported to the Warehouse Manager, Supervising Operations Assistant III, and Unit Commander at once.