County custodial staff will empty the wastebaskets and trash cans each business day. They will mop floors and vacuum as needed and upon request.
Unit personnel shall keep their offices and work areas as neat, clean, and tidy as possible.
County custodial staff will empty the wastebaskets and trash cans each business day. They will mop floors and vacuum as needed and upon request. Custodial staff will also refill paper towel dispensers.
Warehouse staff are responsible for removing accumulated dust from stock and shelving, sweeping and cleaning the warehouse floor, keeping the warehouse free of clutter, straightening up and cleaning their desk area, and placing trash in the appropriate receptacles.
Individual Work Stations
Office staff are responsible for removing accumulated dust from stock and shelving, keeping clean the office area, keeping the office free of clutter, straightening up and cleaning their desk area, and placing trash in the appropriate receptacles.