NOTE: The 48-hour period begins at the start of any shift worked.
Prior to an employee working overtime at any unit other than their permanent unit of assignment, employees shall receive prior written consent from their unit commander to work overtime at other unit(s) of assignment.
All standard notification requirements regarding call-ins are in effect for overtime assignments.
Personnel must obtain Unit Commander authorization prior to working any overtime. The Unit Commander will evaluate the amount of time required. Overtime will be approved in one (1) hour increments, unless less time is needed. The Unit Commander will sign his name in the space provided on the overtime slip labeled “supervisor pre-approving o.t. and briefing.” The approving supervisor shall review all overtime slips to ensure accuracy.
Minimum Staffing
In an attempt to avoid all unnecessary overtime, each supervisor needs to be cognizant of staffing levels for their sections. The minimum staffing levels for acceptable service should act as a general guideline for each supervisor to assess their manpower requirements. Staffing levels should be evaluated by the Unit Commander based upon level of service to be maintained, anticipated workload, and the manpower available. The Unit Commander shall have discretion to approve overtime for additional personnel to provide required services in the accomplishment of Department objectives. Additionally, the Unit Commander may allow staffing levels to fall below minimum by allowing personnel time off if he deems it appropriate.
Where appropriate the supervisors shall use staff from other sections for planned vacancies to minimize the use of overtime.
Time Off Requests/ Sick Call-Ins
Supervisors shall only approve changes of an employee’s regular-day-off (RDO) with sufficient, requisite, prior notice to the unit time accountant (as dictated by the Los Angeles County Code or MOU, which typically ranges from five to 10 days depending on the employee’s job classification, based on the business needs of their unit. Supervisors shall not approve RDO changes when the sole purpose is to allow the employee to accrue deferred Holiday (F) Time.
All sick call-ins shall be referred to the supervisor and should be made before the employee's reporting time.
Denied time off slips will be placed inside a folder labeled “denied time off slips.” The Unit Commander will be responsible for monitoring the denied time off slips and sick call-ins for any possible abuse.
Timely Submission of Overtime Slips
Due to weekly and monthly deadlines that timekeepers must meet, it is imperative that all overtime slips are filled out correctly and submitted in a timely manner. Overtime slips shall be turned in to the approving supervisor as soon as possible following the overtime hours worked. Under normal circumstances, this is either the same day or the next day. However, overtime slips shall never be turned in later than four (4) calendar days following the overtime hours worked.
Exigent Circumstances
Any policy deviation due to exigent circumstances must have the approval of the unit commander.