This order sets forth policy and procedures for deferring reports.
Deferment Guidelines
The responsibility for deferring reports rests with the Watch Sergeant. The decision to defer a report or authorize its completion on overtime is largely judgmental. Every deferred report shall be recorded in the Watch Sergeant’s URN Log. First reports are normally deferred to avoid the unnecessary expenditure of overtime. This may be done, however, only when the efficient and effective operation of the Department will not be impaired. The following guidelines are established to assist in determining whether a report is to be deferred:
The following types of reports may normally be deferred:
The following types of reports shall not be deferred:
Completion Time
Normally, deferred reports should be completed by the next day by the end of the deputy’s shift. If a deputy will be off on RDO’s or scheduled personal leave time (V, SP, etc.), consideration should be given to the impact created as a result of the report being deferred for more than one day. If the scheduled time off, for example, falls on a weekend or holiday, then, in all likelihood, the report can be deferred for that period. Most minor incidents can also be deferred for a few days without negative impact.
Deputies’ Responsibility
Deputy personnel requiring overtime to complete reports shall advise the Watch Sergeant prior to the end of shift and obtain prior approval from the Watch Commander. If overtime is authorized, the report shall be completed in the most expedient fashion without unnecessary delay.
When deputy personnel defer reports, a photocopy of the completed face page shall be submitted to the Watch Sergeant for evaluation. The upper right-hand corner of the photocopy shall be marked “deferred.” The original face page shall not be marked as deferred.
Deputy personnel shall submit a deferred report by the date and time indicated by the Watch Sergeant. If for some reason the report cannot be completed as scheduled, i.e., excess work load, illness, etc., the deputy is responsible for advising the Watch Sergeant so that adjustments can be made and the log can be updated.