The purpose of this directive is to establish guidelines under which members of the station clergy and civilian volunteers may use county vehicles.
Citizens from the community make a substantial commitment of time and effort to the station and the Department. These dedicated volunteers donate thousands of hours each year in the performance of a myriad of tasks inside and outside the station.
Another group providing a valuable service to the community and the station is the clergy. They often perform activities on behalf of the station and, in some cases, the Department. They provide counseling to people referred by patrol, speak to groups of individuals on our behalf, seek resources for our programs, or they may recruit additional members of the clergy to assist the station. As their use by us grows, the demands for them to be in the community will hopefully grow also.
Therefore, when appropriate, civilian volunteers and the station clergy may have access to our fleet. They shall make their request through the Watch Commander or, in the absence of the Watch Commander, the Watch Sergeant. The particular event will dictate if the need is for a marked or an unmarked car. The responsibility for that decision rests with the Watch Commander.
County Counsel rendered an opinion giving us the basis for allowing such use when the individual(s) is/are acting within the course and scope of their assigned duties.
When volunteers or members of the station clergy request to use a county vehicle, the Watch Commander will:
Also, the guidelines below will be discussed with the requesting person(s):
A list of civilian volunteers who are qualified to drive county vehicles will be maintained by the station’s Volunteer Coordinator and an updated copy provided to the Watch Commander on a yearly basis.
Civilians who use county vehicles must always clear its use with the Watch Commander at the time they pick up the car, regardless of any prior approval that may have been granted.
Watch Commanders will always consider the needs of the station and ensure a sufficient number of vehicles are available for field duties. This need will always superseded their use for special assignment duties.