5-13-170 Inmate Request and Grievance Procedures


The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for the proper handling of inmate requests, grievances, appeals, and medical forms. 


This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to Pitchess Detention Center (PDC), North Facility.


Located inside each dormitory are locked metal boxes utilized for the collection of inmate requests, grievances, appeal forms, medical forms, and outgoing inmate mail.  There is also a locked metal box located inside E-Row adjacent to the inmate telephone.  The field sergeant shall be responsible for collecting the contents from all secured boxes once per shift.

The field sergeant shall review and place all non-emergent grievances against staff in the locked collection box located inside the administration building.  The PDC North/South Grievance Team shall retrieve all grievance forms and process them appropriately.  The Grievance Team box shall also be scanned once per shift by field sergeant 1 when the Grievance Team is not present.  General requests shall be placed in the Inmate Services tray located inside the administration building for processing.  All informal requests assigned to a staff member shall be completed, signed, and returned to Inmate Services for retention.

All medical forms, with the exception of emergent requests, shall be placed in the locked metal box located outside of the Module 2 Clinic.