5-13-070 Commissary Services


The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for commissary services.


This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to Pitchess Detention Center (PDC), North Facility.


Inmates are given the opportunity to purchase snacks and personal hygiene items on a weekly basis.  Commissary for inmates at PDC, North Facility is provided by Keefe Commissary.

The commissary menus shall be distributed to the inmates each Tuesday during day shift by each dormitory control officer.  Inmate Services personnel shall be responsible for collecting all commissary menus and delivering them to main control by 1900 hours. A Keefe Commissary employee will collect the forms on Tuesday evening from main control.

Keefe Commissary personnel will distribute the store items ordered every Wednesday between 1700 and 2100 hours.  The only variation from this delivery schedule shall occur during holiday weeks.  Keefe Commissary will be responsible for providing Inmate Services with an updated delivery schedule for those weeks.  

If the inmate is housed in E-Row for disciplinary housing, they shall be allowed to order from the discipline menu and given their property after they sign the verification form with Keefe Commissary personnel.

Any time there is a price change, or addition of a new commissary item, Inmate Services shall be responsible for replacing the commissary menus posted in each dorm.

Module personnel shall be responsible for monitoring commissary, maintaining order, and logging commissary in the electronic Uniform Daily Activity Log.

All inmate complaints regarding commissary shall be handled by Inmate Services. Inmates shall be required to fill out an inmate request form identifying their problem. Inmate Services shall initiate contact with Keefe Commissary to correct the problem.