The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for Religious Services personnel.
This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to Pitchess Detention Center (PDC), North Facility.
The days and times for chaplain services are noted on the multipurpose room (MPR) schedule, located in each module control office, main control, chaplain’s office, and the watch sergeant’s office. Inmate counseling may occur anytime during regular business hours.
- PDC, North Facility religious services are conducted in each module MPR with a maximum occupancy of 40 inmates for any service
- The watch sergeant shall be notified if the service location or time requires an adjustment
- Chaplains shall be permitted to enter the sally ports of each dorm to introduce themselves and encourage inmates to attend services
- It shall be at the discretion of the module ranger, whether or not to allow inmates housed in dorms on opposite sides of the module to attend the services together
- Module control officers shall allow the chaplain their full time slot as indicated by the MPR schedule
- When the facility is locked down for non-emergent situations, the chaplains shall be permitted to continue their activities
- The start and end times of religious services and counseling shall be logged in the module control officer’s electronic Uniform Daily Activity Log (e-UDAL)
- If there are any issues or concerns, module personnel shall contact a supervisor
- Counseling shall only be conducted by Department authorized chaplains and assistant chaplains
- Volunteer chaplains shall not counsel inmates
- Counseling may be performed anywhere in the module that can be properly supervised by deputy personnel
- Chaplains shall have no more than three (3) inmates out at one time for counseling