The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for MOH inmates to utilize the Inmate Video Visitation System (IVVS) in Module 2 to conduct public and professional visits.
This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) North Facility.
An IVVS machine is located within the visiting room in Module 2. This machine shall be utilized to conduct public and professional visits for MOH inmates. Public visits shall take place Monday through Friday, between 1000 and 1800 hours and shall not be interrupted by daily routine activities. Professional visits (Tele-Psych Appointments) shall be scheduled with the Department of Mental Health Expansion (DME) Sergeant or Senior Deputy. Every attempt shall be made to accommodate all visits and ensure they do not conflict. Module personnel shall ensure inmates are inside the visiting room prior to the scheduled time of the visit. Only one inmate shall be permitted to use the IVVS machine at a time.
All maintenance issues shall be reported to the IVVS Support Help Desk and noted in the Electronic Uniform Daily Activity Log.