The purpose of this order is to provide guidelines for the administration of prescription medication to inmates.
This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) North Facility.
Inmates who have been pre-screened to meet the criteria for the Self-Medication Program shall receive a limited supply of their prescribed medication at one time. Inmates shall be given their medication individually during regular clinic hours by Correctional Health Services (CHS) personnel. CHS personnel shall monitor the inmate’s compliance. If an inmate abuses the program or declines to participate in the program any longer, self-medications shall be confiscated.
Nursing staff shall conduct pill call during the times indicated on the inmate medication disbursement schedule created by CHS personnel. Custody personnel shall make an announcement notifying inmates when pill call is commencing. Pill call shall be conducted in each dorm’s sally ports. At no time shall the nurse or pill cart enter the dorm. Inmates housed in E-Row cells shall walk to the cell door for CHS personnel to dispense medication through the tray slot. Module personnel shall provide security by standing in close proximity while CHS personnel dispenses medication. Custody personnel shall ensure each inmate has a legible wristband to present to CHS personnel prior to receiving their medication. It is the responsibility of CHS personnel to ensure each inmate places provided medication in their mouth and drinks water. Custody personnel shall make a reasonable effort to ensure the inmate ingest the medication. An inmate has the right to refuse medication, however, refusals must be made directly to medical personnel. Each Dormitory Control Officer and Module Control Officer shall log pill call into the electronic Uniform Daily Activity Log.