5-03-010 Sick Call Procedures


The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for sick call.


This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to Pitchess Detention Center (PDC), North Facility.


Correctional Health Services (CHS) shall provide sick call to inmates housed at PDC, North Facility, Monday through Friday. 

Signs are clearly posted in each module dormitory describing the sick call procedures for PDC, North Facility.  Accommodations shall be made for inmates who are unable to read or understand the instructions.  Procedures for sick call are also outlined in the inmate orientation video that is played daily.


SICK CALL REQUESTS                                                                                                 

Inmates requiring non-emergent medical attention shall complete a CHS Health Service Request Form.  Forms shall be readily available inside each dormitory.  Once the form is completed, the inmate shall place it in the locked collection box.  The sergeant shall check the box once per shift and forward all Health Service Request Forms to CHS.



The Dormitory Control Officer shall allow the inmates on the sick call list provided by CHS personnel to exit the dorm and report to the module clinic when requested. 

Deputy personnel shall provide security for medical staff during sick call by standing in close proximity to the medical office, and supervising the inmates while they receive medical attention. 

After completion of sick call, each inmate shall immediately return to their dorm.  Module personnel shall log sick call in the electronic Uniform Daily Activity Log.

Should an inmate require medical attention during hours when sick call is unavailable, they shall be transported to the PDC South Facility clinic or the North County Correctional Facility (NCCF) infirma­ry for examination.  If the inmate's condition prevents them from being transported, the doctor or nurse from NCCF or PDC South Facility shall respond to PDC, North Facility to perform the examination.