5-01-030 Shoe Shines


The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for inmate workers assigned to shine shoes.


This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to Pitchess Detention Center (PDC), North Facility.


Due to the cashless jail environment, personnel shall pay the inmate worker performing the shoe shine with a Departmentally approved inmate worker’s payment chip. Personnel wishing to utilize the inmate worker shall contact the watch sergeant to purchase payment chips. The chips are available in $1.00 denominations.  There is no limit to the amount that can be purchased.

Should any discrepancy occur regarding an overage/shortage of chips or money, the watch sergeant shall immediately notify the watch commander.

The inmate worker performing the shoe shine will be chosen from a list of pre-approved inmate workers by Inmate Services.  The inmate worker shall be housed in a dorm designated for inmate workers.

The inmate worker shall shine footwear in the multipurpose room of the module. Personnel requesting a shoe shine shall be physically present and wearing the footwear on their feet.  This is to prevent inmates from having unnecessary access to footwear that could be worn to effect an escape.  At the completion of the shoe shine, the inmate worker’s payment chips can be given directly to the inmate worker.  The module control officer shall keep the shine box and supplies inside the module control office when the inmate worker is not working.

Inmate Services, upon the inmate worker’s request, shall collect the inmate’s payment chips.  The inmate services officer shall take the payment chips to the watch sergeant’s office where they shall be exchanged for currency.  The watch sergeant shall then enter the exchange in the Watch Commander Safe Log and provide the inmate worker with a receipt.  The currency shall then be transported to the Inmate Reception Center (IRC) and given to the cashier who will deposit the money into the inmate worker’s account.