The purpose of this order is to establish procedures regarding safety, security, and fire prevention checks of inmates and their housing areas within Men’s Central Jail (MCJ).
This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to, and/or working at MCJ.
The frequency of the safety checks will vary based on the classification of inmates as well as the type of housing unit. Visual checks shall be accomplished by physically walking the entire interior walkway of each row or dorm and/or any other area within MCJ where inmates are permanently or temporarily housed, including, but not limited to dayrooms, laundry rooms, Cell 40, and other holding areas.
The Title 15 compliance and safety check officers are responsible for and shall personally conduct the safety, security, and fire prevention checks. The Title 15 compliance officer may be assisted by additional personnel if officer safety concerns arise.
Safety and security checks shall consist of the following:
(If the air packs or fire extinguishers display a low pressure reading, or if the date on the fire extinguisher's tag is more than one year old, notify the floor sergeant and document in the electronic Uniform Daily Activity Log [e-UDAL])
It shall be the responsibility of the Title 15 compliance and safety check officers conducting the safety, security, and fire checks to note, investigate, and/or take corrective action regarding any problems detected in any of the above listed areas.
Any deficiency requiring action by Facilities Services Bureau (FSB) shall be documented in the e-UDAL and a maintenance request submitted using the “Maximo Maintenance Request” link.
55 Minute Checks
All dorms and Education Based Incarceration (EBI) classrooms (including mess halls or any other areas where EBI activities are being conducted), except those listed which require more frequent checks, shall be checked every 55 minutes.
NOTE: 55 minute checks shall also be conducted in all temporary holding
areas with unobstructed visual observation (e.g., recreational rooms, dayrooms, etc.). Checks shall be conducted by the Title 15 compliance and safety check officers assigned to these areas.
25 Minute Checks
NOTE: If the Title 15 compliance officers or safety check officers are not able to conduct a security check, they shall notify the floor sergeant immediately. The floor sergeant shall then assign personnel to conduct the security check.
Supervisors' Responsibilities
Floor supervisors shall ensure checks for all modules, dorms, dayrooms, EBI classrooms (including mess halls or any other areas where EBI activities are being conducted), and/or any other temporary or permanent holding areas within MCJ, under their purview, are properly conducted and documented.
Exterior Perimeter Security Checks
The Watch Commander or the Watch Sergeant, on each shift, shall conduct at least one (1) perimeter security check during their shift. These checks shall consist of a walk along the perimeter of the facility to ensure all exterior gates, sliders, and doors are secure. Additionally, the check shall include, but not be limited to, an examination of the integrity of the razor wire, a check for security breaches which may provide a means of escape, and other damage and/or vandalism to the exterior of the facility.
All perimeter security checks shall be logged in the Custody Watch Commander’s Log.
Monthly Fire Inspection
Monthly Fire Inspections shall be conducted in compliance with Custody Division Manual 3-14/070.00 “Fire Prevention and Suppression.” The floor supervising line deputy (SLD) shall inspect the fire exit doors monthly. Any mechanical defects in the doors or their locking mechanisms shall be immediately reported for repair to Facilities Services Bureau and Logistics personnel. The findings shall be logged on the inspection form. The stairwells and landings shall also be inspected for cleanliness and accumulation of debris.
The assigned SLD for each floor shall be responsible for completing the inspection and emailing the scanned file to the “MCJ – Monthly Fire Inspection” email group. The monthly inspection shall be completed and submitted before the end of the first week of each month.
The files will be tracked and stored in the Men’s Central Jail shared files by Logistics personnel. It shall be the responsibility of the Logistics sergeant to maintain a file of the inspection forms for two (2) years and to ensure that repairs or cleaning requests are completed.
Monthly Facility Security Inspection
It shall be the responsibility of the Operations Lieutenant to ensure a facility security inspection is conducted at least once per month. Any inadequacy shall be remedied immediately.
Revision Date 02/12/24
Revision Date 01/05/22
Revision Date 06/22/17
Revision Date 09/26/16
Revision Date 05/19/16
Revision Date 07/29/15
Revision Date 08/27/14
Revision Date 12/10/08