5-23-060 Inmate Library Services




The purpose of this order is to establish procedures regarding inmate library services and access to library books.




This order applies to all personnel assigned to, and/or working at Men’s Central Jail (MCJ).





Library books and periodicals shall be stored and maintained in room [REDACTED TEXT] located on the [REDACTED TEXT] floor. 


The inmate library custody assistant shall provide library service to inmates Monday through Friday from 0600 hours to 1400 hours.  The custody assistant shall walk the floors with a mobile cart containing a variety of books available for check out.  Each floor shall have an opportunity to utilize the library services at minimum once every two (2) weeks.


The inmate library custody assistant shall allocate library books and periodicals to inmates requesting reading material utilizing the DIMMS Scanner.


The inmate’s wristband shall be scanned to check out a library book.  The inmate library custody assistant shall make an entry in the electronic Uniform Daily Activity Log (e-UDAL) documenting the inmate’s name and booking number, along with the book that was checked out.


The inmate may keep the book for two (2) weeks.  After two (2) weeks, the inmate shall have the opportunity to return the library book or re-check out the book for another two (2) weeks.


Library books stamped “LA County Sheriff’s Department” shall be confiscated during searches (e.g., release, transfer to another facility, in custody release, court, etc.) and returned to the Inmate Library in room #[REDACTED TEXT].


Inmates who willfully damage or destroy library materials or fails to return library materials on time, shall be subject to disciplinary action and banned from utilizing the inmate library services indefinitely (refer to unit order 5-22-000, “Inmate Discipline”).



03/06/23, MCJ