The purpose of this order is to set forth procedures regarding housing and/or escorting [REDACTED TEXT] inmates throughout Men’s Central Jail (MCJ) by deputy personnel.
This order applies to all employees assigned to MCJ.
Inmate Assignment
Only the Jail Liaison unit and sergeants have the authority to house [REDACTED TEXT] inmates. Watch commanders who identify potential candidates for these modules shall segregate the concerned inmate and forward the information to the Jail Liaison unit as soon as possible.
Inmates classified as [REDACTED TEXT] shall be assigned a [REDACTED TEXT], and a special handling card shall be entered electronically. The cards shall have the approval of the MCJ and IRC watch commanders. The inmate shall be placed into housing designated by the Jail Liaison unit for incoming [REDACTED TEXT]. The Jail Liaison unit shall review the special handling cards daily and conduct interviews to determine the correct housing for each inmate.
Inmates shall not be moved from a high-security module unless the Jail Liaison unit approves or directs the move. [REDACTED TEXT] inmates shall not be transferred to discipline housing without the approval of Jail Liaison unit. In the event an emergency exists, the movement shall be approved by the watch commander who will make immediate notification to the Jail Liaison unit.
Module Security:
- At no time will more than one inmate be allowed onto the same row corridor.
- During times of mass movement (roof, visits, etc.), one inmate shall be handcuffed in their cell and escorted from the row before the next cell gate is opened. The inmate shall walk on the far side of the red line closest to the wall. The escorting deputy shall have a firm grip on the inmate while escorting. The inmate shall be immediately escorted to the appropriate location, separate from other [REDACTED TEXT] inmates, one deputy per inmate.
- At no time shall deputy personnel permit [REDACTED TEXT] inmates to approach the cell of another inmate on the row to accept any item(s) or engage in conversation.
- The supervising line deputy shall ensure safety checks of all [REDACTED TEXT] inmates and cells are conducted every 30 minutes.
- All module gates and doors shall remain in a locked position at all times, with the exception of authorized use.
- Both the front sally port gates and the outside hallway hard doors shall remain closed unless in use.
- A minimum of one officer shall remain in the module security control booth at all times.
- Module control booth doors shall remain closed and locked at all times except while entering and exiting (doors shall not be held open while conversation with the module officer takes place).
- At no time shall an officer allow an inmate to come in contact with
any keys used or designed for use within this facility.
- Officers assigned keys and key blocks within this facility shall maintain responsibility for their safekeeping until relinquishing them to a relieving deputy.
- Inmates shall not be allowed to participate in security functions within the module, nor shall inmates be given the responsibility of checking on the safety or security of other inmates.
[REDACTED TEXT] Handling and Escorting
- [REDACTED TEXT] movement and escorting shall be conducted by a deputy.
- The inmate shall not be escorted with other inmates.
- [REDACTED TEXT] shall be considered dangerous.
- K-10s shall be housed in single man cells.
- K-10s shall be strip searched and handcuffed prior to opening their cell gate.
- Handcuffs/waist chains shall be used when escorting.
- Inmates designated as a “sergeant escort” shall not be moved from their cell without a sergeant present unless exigent circumstances exist. Personnel shall not enter or open these cells without a sergeant present absent a life-threatening emergency or medical rescue. Entry into the cell of a “sergeant escort” requires an immediate notification to the concerned floor sergeant (refer MCJ Unit Order 5-17-039, “Sergeant Escorts”).
[REDACTED TEXT] Reclassification
During [REDACTED TEXT] reclassification, a sergeant and a minimum of two deputies shall
be present for the removal and escorting of reclassified inmates to their new housing locations. All reclassed [REDACTED TEXT] inmates shall be escorted to their appropriate location, separate from other inmates. A member of the Jail Liaison unit or Operation Safe Jails (OSJ) personnel shall be available for concerns during reclasses.
The sergeant and a minimum of two deputies shall escort the reclassified inmate to their new housing. The inmate shall remain handcuffed until they arrive at their new housing location. The escorting team shall ensure the inmate receives their appropriate new clothing and wristband that corresponds to their new classification.
- When [REDACTED TEXT] inmate is to permanently leave the module, the cell shall be searched for contraband and structural integrity.
- All property brought into the module shall be thoroughly searched.
- [REDACTED TEXT] inmates who receive visits shall be escorted by a deputy who shall strip search and handcuff each inmate prior to removing the inmate from their cell. The inmate shall be immediately escorted to the visiting area separate from other [REDACTED TEXT] inmates, one deputy per inmate.
- Inmates returning from visiting shall be strip searched. Handcuffs shall be removed after the inmate is in their cell with the cell gate closed.
Exercise / [REDACTED TEXT] Roof:
- Inmates shall be given the opportunity to go to the roof for their entitled exercise time.
- Each inmate shall be strip searched and handcuffed inside of their cell before going to the roof. Once the inmate is handcuffed, the inmate shall be immediately escorted to the High Power Roof area separate from other K-10 inmates, one deputy per inmate.
- Each inmate shall be strip searched and handcuffed inside of the roof cage prior to returning to their cell.
All strip searches shall be conducted in accordance with Custody Division Manual (CDM) section 5-08/010.00, “Searches.”
Inmate Property:
- [REDACTED TEXT] inmates shall be allowed to purchase store items.
- [REDACTED TEXT] inmates shall be allowed to possess the same personal property in their cells as other inmates, except razors. All personal property shall be limited to the amount of property that will fit inside
a one inmate property bag.
- Escort personnel shall handcuff, maintain, and escort the inmate to the shower, in boxer shorts with a towel.
NOTE: A minimum of TWO deputies shall be present when [REDACTED TEXT] inmates are escorted to and from the shower - no exceptions.
- The inmate shall be allowed 15 minutes to shower, handcuffed per policy, and escorted back to their cell.
Medical Emergencies:
- Should the inmate be transported to Los Angeles County + USC Medical Center (LCMC), a minimum of 2 deputies shall accompany the inmate and maintain security until the inmate is secured in the LCMC Jail Ward. [REDACTED TEXT] inmates who are in an open ward area shall have a minimum of 2 deputies to maintain security until the inmate is secured by LCMC deputy personnel in the LCMC Jail ward.
Revision Date 02/06/23
Revision Date 01/12/16
Revision Date 08/24/15
Revision Date 08/14/13
Revision Date 02/11/13
Revision Date 11/05/09
Revision Date 07/28/09
Revision Date 04/01/09
Revision Date 12/12/08