3-06-011 Trash Disposal

Reference:  CCR Title 15, Section 1280,  CDM 5-11/020.00


The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for the removal of trash throughout Men’s Central Jail (MCJ).


This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to, and/or working in any capacity at MCJ.


In order to ensure proper removal of trash from the facility after the morning, noon, and evening meals, the following procedures shall be adhered to:

  • Personnel shall collect the wheeled trash bins from each housing location, including the hospital, and have them moved to the kitchen freight elevator, where the secured bins shall be immediately taken to the trash and freight dock.
  • Deputy personnel shall inspect all trash bins for any inmates.         

Any questionability in regards to the contents of a trash bin leaving security, shall be resolved by a thorough inspection of the bin before it is taken outside of security.



Revision Date 02/03/2020

Revision Date 05/24/2017

Revision Date 09/17/2015

Revision Date 12/10/2008