To establish policy for the authorized use and/or deployment of the MK-9 OC Spray.
This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at the Fire Camps Unit.
Disturbances within East Facility or at the Fire Training Camp area threaten life, property, and the overall security of the individual facility. Experience has proven the quicker a disturbance is quelled the greater probability we have of reducing the extent of injuries suffered by the involved inmates and response personnel.
Due to the fact that the Fire Camps Unit conducts a majority of its activity in an open area compound and takes numerous inmates on hikes throughout the PDC hillside during the day, should a major assault occur, in any area, deputy personnel would have the ability to quell such an assault using the MK-9 because of the 21-foot range of the device.
To facilitate a safe, effective and immediate response, deputy personnel are granted authorization for the deployment and/or use of the MK-9 OC Spray without direct supervision to facilitate a safe, effective, and immediate response to a disturbance and/or an assault wherein there is a substantial threat of inflicting serious injury or death upon any person.
Designated member(s) witnessing such an event shall make the appropriate radio broadcast alerting unit personnel of the situation.
All established policies and procedures regarding the use of force reporting and documentation shall apply to the use of this device.