This order establishes policy and procedures for the return of L.A. County inmates from California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR)/L.A. County Inmate Fire Suppression Camps (Fire Camp) for discipline and medical reasons.
This order applies to all personnel assigned to the Fire Camp Training Unit/PDC-East Facility.
- When a Fire Camp inmate is being returned from CDCR to Los Angeles County Jail for discipline, CDCR will first notify Inmate Fire Training/PDC-East Facility that an inmate is being returned.
- PDC-East Main Control shall notify IRC-CHU North that the inmate is being returned to L.A. County Jail. IRC-CHU North shall facilitate the transfer of the inmate from the Fire Camps (HOLT, ACTO, FRAN, JKLN) to disciplinary housing at NCCF (first choice) or PDC-North (second choice).
- The PDC-East Main Control officer shall notify the NCCF (or North) Watch Commander, and coordinate the return with NCCF (or North) Inmate Processing Area (IPA).
- CDCR officers will transport the inmate to PDC-East Facility. The CDCR officers will produce the completed DRB paperwork, and return the inmate’s property and “Offender’s Camp File (OCF)” to the Inmate Fire Training/PDC-East Staff.
- A copy of the CDCR DRB forms and OCF are to be returned to Inmate Fire Training/PDC-East Facility and kept in Inmate Fire Training operations.
- The PDC-East staff shall ensure CDCR has the appropriate CDCR DRB paperwork completed, and complete a Major Incident IRTS documenting the incident, including; the nature of the incident, CDCR discipline recommendations, the name of the approving CDCR supervisor, and the names of the transporting CDCR officers.
- CDCR DRB recommendations shall be the guide for final DRB disposition by LASD supervisors. When no CDCR recommendation is made, LASD policy, procedure, and Title 15 regarding the imposition of discipline shall be followed.
- PDC-East Main Control officer shall sign and obtain a copy of the CDCR Transfer Record (CDCR Form #123), acknowledging receipt of the inmate.
- Fire Camp inmates do not wear L.A. County Jail wristbands while in CDCR custody. Inmate Fire Training/PDC-East staff shall place a new wristband on the inmate.
- Inmate Fire Training/PDC-East staff shall transport the inmate to the appropriate facility for discipline housing.
- Recalcitrant inmates shall not be removed from the CDCR vehicles.
- PDC-East staff shall escort CDCR to the appropriate facility, as directed by IRC-CHU North.
- PDC-East Main Control shall notify the facility of an incoming recalcitrant.
- The inmate shall exit the CDCR vehicle in the presence of an LASD supervisor.
- If the inmate has not waived the 24 hour DRB time, he shall be placed in pre-discipline housing pending DRB by a CDCR supervisor.
- When the inmate has served his time, he shall not be returned to CDCR/L.A. County Fire Camps. He shall be returned to L.A. County Jail, general population, to serve the remainder of his sentence.
- When a Fire Camp inmate can no longer be housed in the Fire Camps because his medical condition is deemed “non-routine”, he shall be returned to Los Angeles County Jail for housing until he is medically cleared by L.A. County Sheriff’s Department Medical Services Bureau.
- CDCR will first notify Inmate Fire Training/PDC-East Facility that an inmate is being returned.
- CDCR shall return the inmate to Inmate Fire Training/PDC-East Facility. PDC-East Facility Main Control will notify the appropriate PDC facility medical staff (PDC-South or NCCF) to assess the inmate.
- Medical Services will advise whether the inmate is fit for housing at PDC-East Facility, or needs to be transferred to a jail medical unit for the duration of his medical condition.
- When an inmate’s medical condition requires transfer from CDCR directly to jail medical housing, PDC-East staff shall coordinate the transfer with Medical Services.
- Inmates requiring emergency medical care shall, by agreement, be the responsibility of CDCR, and CDCR shall transport the inmate to a local emergency medical facility via appropriate medical transportation.