Sick Call # 0031


This order establishes policy and guidelines for operating an efficient pill call, sick call, and doctor’s line.


This order applies to all personnel assigned to the Fire Camp Training Unit/PDC-East Facility.



Inmates on pill call are not eligible for Fire Camp. 


Inmates prescribed short courses of self-medication for minor illnesses are eligible for and may remain in Fire Camp.  


All inmates shall have access to immediate medical attention for emergent, life-threatening situations and/or potentially infectious conditions (i.e., MRSA).  For all other medical situations, inmates shall be allowed to sign up for “Sick Call / Nurse Clinic” (the terms “sick call” and “nurse clinic” are synonymous) on a daily basis, Monday through Friday. The following procedure shall be followed in allowing inmates to sign up for and be seen at Sick Call:

  • After allowing inmates adequate time to sign up for sick call, PM shift personnel will collect all of the sign-up sheets and deliver them to Main Control for the EM shift Main Control Officer to collect and process.
  • The EM shift Main Control Officer will make one copy of every sign up sheet and make the original and the copies available for the day shift Clinic Officer. 
  • AM shift personnel will pick up the original sign-up sheets and the copies.  The originals will be given to the South Facility nursing staff and the copies will be kept by the Clinic Officer(s).  When the nursing staff has advised they are ready for sick call, the Clinic Deputy will advise the Fire Camp to bring every inmate who signed up for sick call to the infirmary to be seen. The Clinic Deputy will note on his copy of the sign-up sheet, whether the inmate was seen, and if not, document why.
  • Once all of the Fire Camp inmates have been examined by the nursing staff, the Clinic Deputy shall advise the Fire Camp staff that the inmates are ready for pick up. 


Doctor's line will occur on Monday through Friday.  Inmates may request to see a doctor at sick call.  If the nursing staff determines that the inmate requires a doctor's attention, he will be informed of his appointment and instructed to return to his barrack.  A doctor’s line list will be given to the Clinic Officer(s) to inform all inmates with appointments to report to the clinic.  The doctor’s line will be supervised by the Clinic Officer(s) to ensure all inmates report as scheduled.


Dental line will occur on Monday through Friday.  Inmates will follow the same procedures as described for doctor’s line to arrange for dental appointments. 


All inmates who require psychiatric care will be processed per Custody Division policy, refer to CDM 4-05/000.00

Any immediate, concerning, psychiatric issues shall be addressed by documenting the concerning behavior on an Inmate Mental Observation Report and escorting the inmate to the clinic for evaluation.  An immediate notification to the Watch Sergeant shall be required for any inmate who requires a Mental Observation Report and evaluation.