To establish policy and guidelines for personnel responding to employees injured/man down on duty.
This order applies to all personnel assigned to the Fire Camp Training Unit/PDC-East Facility.
When it comes to the attention of personnel that there is an ill or injured employee who needs immediate medical aid, the following procedure shall be followed:
- Personnel shall notify Main Control that there is an employee down, and give the employee’s sex, age, and medical issue.
- Main Control shall call 9-1-1 and request paramedics and an ambulance to the location.
- Main Control shall notify South Facility Desk Operations of the emergency, and request an “Adam” unit escort the emergency vehicles to the location of the incident.
- If the incident location is in the field on PDC property (hiking trails), on-scene personnel shall contact the South Facility Desk immediately via radio, on the PDC South main channel 10, and request aid and assistance.
- On-scene personnel shall render immediate first aid/lifesaving measures until relieved by emergency medical services.
- On-scene personnel shall survey the situation, and request assistance from South Facility (primary) or NCCF (secondary) if needed, via Fire Camp/East Main Control.
- The Fire Camp/East on-duty supervisor shall respond to the scene, and accompany the injured/ill employee to the hospital. If no supervisor is on-duty, Main Control shall notify South (primary) or NCCF (secondary) of the emergency and request a supervisor respond.
- If no unit supervisors are on duty, the on-scene supervisor shall notify the Fire Camp Lieutenant or Operations Sergeant at home of the incident.