Weapon Security # 0004


To establish policy prohibiting the possession of firearms and edged weapons in secured areas, and defining secure areas for the storage of personal weapons and unit armory.                        


This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at the Fire Camp Training Unit/PDC-East Facility.                                                              


Possession of a firearm or edged weapons in a secured area is prohibited. [REDACTED TEXT]  Personal firearms shall not be stored in personal or department vehicles.

Department firearms (shotgun, stun-bag shotgun, AR-15) shall not be stored in department vehicles between deployments.  They shall be stored, unloaded, in the unit armory until deployed. 



Inventories of all weapons assigned to unit armories shall be documented and maintained on a regular basis. Any discrepancies shall be reported to the Watch Commander immediately. A quarterly weapons inventory report listing all serialized items shall be submitted to the Advanced Training Bureau, Weapons Training Section, attention: Range Master, pursuant to the Department Manual of Policy and Procedures, section 3-06/080.10, "Quarterly Weapons Inventory."

Each Unit Commander shall establish a regular cleaning and maintenance schedule for all weapons stored in the unit armory. All cleaning, maintenance, and inspections shall be recorded.


Personnel shall be prohibited from bringing any cutting instrument consisting of a sharp blade, point, or any object that can be considered an edged weapon (i.e. knives, razor blades, box cutters, etc.) within the secured areas of the Inmate Fire Training Facility.

Exceptions to this policy are:

• Authorized knives used within the kitchen
• Authorized gardening equipment
• Rounded scissors consisting of no point (i.e. scissors used for suicide kits,   removing wristbands, unauthorized clotheslines, etc.)
• Maintenance equipment.

In addition to Custody Division Manual Section 3-06/090.00, “Security of Tools,” if an edged object, which can be utilized as a weapon, is issued to inmates then the inmate shall be under direct visual observation at all times. When any of the objects are not in use, they shall remain in a secure, locked area of the facility. Each object shall be collected at the end of each shift and accounted for.

Any edged object that can be utilized as a weapon, remaining permanently within security, shall be regularly audited and accounted for. This audit shall be documented and retained within the facility via a Uniform Daily Activity Log (UDAL).

Maintenance personnel requesting to bring edged objects within security shall have prior approval of the facility Watch Commander. Each object shall be counted and documented by the facility. Once maintenance personnel exit the facility, jail personnel shall ensure that each object documented has been removed from the facility. Jail personnel shall also ensure that Custody Division Manual Section 3-06/100.00, “Security Check After Repairs” is adhered to.

A correctional facility is defined as any secured facility, station jail, and court lock-up. 

Any prior approval will come from the Assistant Sheriff.