Unit Orders #0001


Unit orders have been promulgated to provide Fire Camp Training Unit/PDC-East Facility personnel with a clear understanding of the expected action and behavior deemed necessary for the proper operation of the Fire Camp Training Facility.  Any conflict that may arise between these Unit Orders and Departmental orders, directives, procedures, etc... shall find its solution in adherence to Department demands.

For clarification purposes, the terms shall and will in these unit orders are mandatory, while may is permissive.


The purpose of the unit order will be stated unless obvious in the reading.

The unit orders will be maintained by the manuals and orders coordinator (sergeant).  They shall be located in the Operations Office/Sergeant's Office.

Unit orders specific to the operation of the Fire Camp Training Unit shall have a unique unit order number.  All orders arising out of daily operations due to inmate housing at PDC-East Facility, or not covered under these orders, shall defer to PDC-East Facility unit orders.

Copies of all new or revised unit orders will be issued as follows:  lieutenant, sergeants, deputies, custody assistants, and supervising station clerk and all other personnel whose daily routine operation may be affected by any specific order.  All original signed unit orders, and computer files of such, shall be kept in the Operations Office.

When an employee is directed to draft a new or revised unit order, it shall be done in “Microsoft Word” format.  Once completed, the computer file of the draft shall be given to the manual and orders coordinator.  The manuals and orders coordinator will check the draft for grammatical errors and may make any necessary changes.  If it is determined the order may conflict with another Department or unit directives, the manual and orders coordinator will discuss this with the author of the draft.  They will confer as to what changes may need to be made or, if necessary, consult with the unit commander for additional direction.

Once the draft order is ready for review by the unit commander, the manuals and orders coordinator shall put it on a unit order letterhead, with a unique order number assigned.  Once approved and signed by the unit commander, the new order will be distributed as previously outlined.

All Fire Camp Training Unit personnel shall be familiar with the content of these orders and will periodically review them for any updates.