To establish procedures for the Detention of Inmates at a Hospital.
This order shall apply to all inmates from the Fire Training camp program that are detained at a hospital for injury or illness.
Nothing in this order will supersede procedures set forth in the above referenced Custody Division Manual.
Custody personnel shall provide security for inmates transported to county or private hospitals for treatment from a custody facility or the Inmate Reception Center (IRC). The primary responsibility for the inmate's security shall rest with the custody facility of origin. Exceptions shall be made in situations where an inmate housed at a north county facility is hospitalized in a south county hospital (or vice versa). In these circumstances, the following shall apply:
Pursuant to California Penal Code section 4021, a female custodial person shall be assigned, available, and accessible for the supervision of female inmates at all times. At least one female deputy shall be assigned the duty of providing security for a female inmate at the hospital. In the event of exigent circumstances (e.g. medical emergency), two male deputies may provide security for a female inmate. This decision shall be approved by the facility watch commander and the reason for the exception shall be documented in the Watch Commander's Log. Arrangements shall be made for a female deputy to relieve one of the male deputies as soon as possible.
When an inmate is admitted to a local hospital, the housing location code utilized in the Automated Jail Information System (AJIS) shall be updated by the responsible facility to reflect the new location. Inmates admitted to a local hospital in south county areas shall be updated to housing location "SCLH", with the exception of inmates hospitalized at Los Angeles County + University of Southern California (LAC+USC) Medical Center. Inmates admitted to a local hospital in north county areas shall be updated to housing location "NCLH." When inmates are admitted to LAC+USC Medical Center's open ward, and their security responsibility falls under the original facility, they shall be updated by the original facility's watch deputy to housing location "LCOW."
Initial Duties and Required Notifications
The watch commander shall be notified prior to an inmate being transferred from their facility to a hospital. The following information shall be documented in the Facility Log of the originating facility:
The watch commander shall be provided with a copy of the inmate's Automated Jail Information System (AJIS) print outs and a Los Angeles County Regional Identification System (LACRIS) photo. A copy of the information packet shall also be provided to the hospital security deputy.
Watch Commander’s Responsibilities
It is the watch commander's responsibility to review the inmate's information packet and decide the number of deputies necessary for security based on concerns such as the inmate's keep away status, high bail, escape history, and/or arrest charge.
The watch commander, or their designee, shall notify the law enforcement agency having jurisdiction over the hospital facility where the inmate will be housed. The agency shall be notified that a jail inmate will be at the hospital under the direct supervision of deputy personnel. This notification shall be made at the beginning of each shift as long as the inmate remains at the hospital facility. The time and the person notified shall be documented in the Facility Log. The only exception to these notifications shall apply to inmates transferred to LAC+USC Medical Center.
At least once per shift, duties permitting, the watch commander will designate a sergeant to respond to the hospital (unless at the LAC+USC Medical Center jail ward) and check on the status and security of the inmate and deputies. This response shall be documented in the Watch Commander's Log.
During business hours (Monday - Friday, 0600 - 1600 hours), the concerned unit’s watch commander, or their designee, shall notify the registered nurse assigned to the Quality Management Unit - Comprehensive Care Team at (213) 893-5505/5507. After hours, weekends, and holidays the Medical Command Center shall be notified at (213) 893-5544. Comprehensive Care Team or Medical Command Center personnel shall facilitate medical communications, and secure available bed space at the appropriate receiving hospital.
The Comprehensive Care Team or Medical Command Center shall also be notified when an inmate is ready for discharge. They shall make arrangements to have the inmate transported to LAC+USC Medical Center or the appropriate custody facility. All medical questions or necessary inmate medical status updates shall be reported to the Comprehensive Care Team or Medical Command Center.
Duties of Hospital Security Deputies
The deputies responsible for transporting the inmate to the hospital shall first report to the watch commander and retrieve an information packet which will include:
Deputies transporting the inmate to the hospital should advise their facility control and Sheriff's Communication Center (SCC) via radio of their location, starting mileage, and their destination. All inmates shall wear safety belts when being transported in a County vehicle unless the inmate has a physical disability or medical conditions which would prevent the proper utilization of a safety belt (refer to MPP section 5-03/165.03 "Use of Safety Belts").
Transportation and Security of Female Inmates
When a female inmate has to be transported to the hospital, the following shall apply:
The information packet shall be taken to the medical facility and remain in the direct possession of the deputies providing security for the inmate. In addition to the information packet, all deputy personnel assigned to hospital security shall be fully equipped with the following prior to leaving the facility:
Upon arrival at the hospital, the deputies shall contact their watch commander and report the following:
All deputies assigned to make relief for hospital security shall report to their facility and confirm the hospital and room of the inmate. All reliefs shall only be made in person. The relief deputies shall verify the required documents are present. The inmate’s restraints and his surroundings should also be searched. The deputy shall then make contact with the watch commander once relief is complete. Deputies shall contact the watch commander (or their designee) at least once during their shift and provide a status update (preferably near the middle), and at any time there is a significant change in the inmate’s condition. These notifications shall be documented in the Watch Commander’s Log.
Deputies shall maintain the direct supervision of the inmate in their custody at all times and shall not be distracted by televisions, electronic devices, or reading material.
While at the hospital, the deputies providing security shall ensure that the inmate is secured to the bed with handcuffs and/or the issued leg chains. Should it become necessary for the inmate to move from the bed due to medical treatment, medically necessary exercise, or to use the restroom, the deputies must evaluate the inmate's medical condition and consider the appropriate restraint method to secure the inmate which can include the following:
In circumstances where one of the inmate's appendages is injured or at the direction of medical staff the deputies should consider moving the inmate in a wheelchair or gurney while the inmate is handcuffed or shackled to the device. For proper procedures for handcuffing or restraining pregnant inmates refer to CDM section 7-02/010.00 "Pregnant Inmates."
Deputies shall not allow the inmate to make or receive phone calls, use any computers/devices with email or internet capability, or receive visits from friends or family while at the hospital. If friends or family attempt to visit the inmate, deputies shall advise them the inmate may not receive visits. If the visitors refuse to leave, deputies shall notify hospital security immediately and ensure that the visitors are escorted or removed from the hospital. It is recommended the deputies request the inmate be relocated for security purposes and to prevent family and friends from returning. The deputies shall report the relocation of the inmate to hospital security and the watch commander and advise hospital staff the inmate's location is to remain confidential. The inmate shall not be allowed to communicate with other patients sharing the same hospital room.
If an attorney or clergy attempts to visit the inmate, the deputies shall delay the visit and notify their facility supervisor immediately. The supervisor shall inform the attorney or clergy the visit may be allowed with the understanding that deputies will remain in close proximity and that confidentiality is not guaranteed.
Deputies providing security for inmates with contagious illnesses shall follow directions given by medical staff in order to limit exposure.
Medical Services Bureau Responsibilities
When an inmate requires continued hospitalization, Medical Services Bureau, acting through the Comprehensive Care Team or Medical Command Center, will assist Custody, Court Services, and Field Operations Divisions in monitoring an inmate’s medical status and arranging for the transfer of inmates at private hospitals to LAC+USC Medical Center, or Correctional Treatment Center (CTC) at TTCF as soon as is medically feasible.
NOTE: This does not apply to another agency’s inmate while in court and still in the custody of that agency.
Station or Other Agency Booking
If an inmate is booked at a Sheriff's station or an outside agency, the inmate is ill or injured, the arresting station or agency is responsible for providing security until the inmate receives appropriate medical clearance to be booked and is transferred to a custody facility, or is admitted to the Jail Ward at LAC+USC Medical Center.
Court Services Responsibilities
If an illness or injury occurs in a court lock-up facility, Court Services Division personnel are responsible for the transportation of the inmate to the nearest county or contract hospital and providing temporary security pending notification to the appropriate custody facility. Personnel from the originating custody facility shall respond and assume responsibility for the inmate’s security. NCCF shall assume responsibility and security for inmates remanded into the Sheriff’s custody from Court Services Division’s Valley District courts, including; Antelope Valley/Lancaster, North Valley, San Fernando, Newhall/Valencia, and Van Nuys municipal and superior courts. TTCF shall assume responsibility and security for inmates remanded from all other courts.
If the injured or ill inmate has been remanded into the Sheriff’s custody but has not been booked, (e.g. court walk-ins, surrenders in court, etc.), Court Services Division personnel are responsible for the transportation of the inmate to the nearest county or contract hospital. They are responsible for providing security until the inmate is admitted to the hospital, booked into the LAC+USC Medical Center Jail Ward, or is approved for transport and booking at the Inmate Reception Center (IRC). Inmates admitted to a hospital which is not equipped with a jail ward shall become the responsibility of custody personnel as described above. Court Services Division personnel are responsible for continuing to provide temporary security pending notification and arrival of personnel from the appropriate custody facility.
Emergency Situations and Escapes
In the event of any emergency or other unusual circumstance, it shall be the responsibility of the hospital security deputies to notify their facility supervisor as soon as possible. Deputies encountering emergency situations within a hospital, requiring the inmate to be relocated or evacuated (e.g. fire, earthquake, etc.), shall follow the direction of hospital staff.
Inmates who attempt to escape from custody are committing a felony. Deputies shall take immediate action to recapture the inmate. All Departmental policies and procedures governing foot pursuits and the use of force, including the use of deadly force, shall apply. Deputies shall ensure an emergency broadcast is initiated and that their facility is notified by the Sheriff’s Communication Center (SCC). The facility watch commander shall contact the nearest Sheriff's station to have a supervisor respond to the hospital immediately and ensure a facility supervisor responds to the location.
If the inmate is able to successfully escape from the custody of the assigned deputies, the deputies shall immediately make contact with the first arriving agency police officer, supervisor, or Sheriff's Department responding personnel and provide them with the information packet.
The overall responsibility for apprehending the escaped inmate shall be with the local law enforcement agency. Department personnel and/or the sergeant at the scene of another jurisdiction shall establish a Department command post with the jurisdiction incident commander and assist the field units as directed by the incident commander. All Departmental escape responding and reporting procedures shall apply.