Taser Deployment Procedure #0049


This order establishes policy and guidelines for the issuance and control of Tasers at The Fire Camp Training Unit.


This order applies to all personnel assigned to the Fire Camp Training Unit.


A current generation X-26P Taser will be personally issued to each qualified deputy who has received the updated training during Jail Operations training, or during STC/Unit In-Service Training. The deputy shall carry the Taser on their person at all times during his/her assigned shift.  At no time shall a Taser be left unattended in the compound.  The deputy carrying the Taser shall provide the Fire Camp Main Control officer with the Taser number, who shall note it on the daily facility log.

The assigned Taser may be stored in the deputy’s personal locker but is not to be taken home or off the PDC property without permission from the unit commander.

This Unit Order does not preclude other deputies assigned to South Facility from carrying an older X-26 Taser.  Additional Taser's shall be stored at the East Facility ERT Armory and personnel are encouraged to carry one during their shift, providing they comply with the intent of this Unit Order.  

Note: Personnel carrying a Taser shall only use authorized holsters which shall be worn on the opposite side of the firearm pursuant to MMP 3-03/150.05.


All Tasers shall be inventoried on a monthly basis, and documented in the monthly armory inventory.