Inmate Count #0033


This order establishes policy and guidelines for the counting of inmates at Fire Camp Training/East Facility.  Due to the large number of inmate workers who are taken outside of security, it is imperative that accurate counts are conducted and maintained on a frequent basis.  Personnel assigned to monitor and log the counts must be diligent in order to prevent escapes as well as be able to quickly assess if one has occurred.


This order applies to all personnel assigned to Fire Camp Training/East Facility.



  • The personnel assigned to the dorm and compound security will be responsible for counting the inmates assigned to that dorm/compound.
    1. Both the Compound Officer and the Prowler shall make independent counts of all inmates housed in their compound.
    2. Compound personnel shall compare their counts prior to advising the desk of their count.  If there is a discrepancy between the two counts, both officers shall recount the inmates assigned to the barrack.
  • II.         TYPES OF COUNTS:

    1. When the inmates are at the Fire Training Camp, personnel will conduct “Outside Counts”:
    1. Desk personnel will advise all compound personnel via the radio that they are going to announce that it is time for count.
      1. Desk personnel will announce to all inmates that it is count time and will advise them of the following:
        1. All inmates will be outside of the barracks.
        2. Inmates will line up in rows of five.
        3. Inmates will face the barracks.
        4. No eating, talking or moving about during count.
      2. All inmates will exit their barracks and line up for count in rows that are five deep.  Inmates will stand on the lines that are painted on the ground in front of the barrack.
      3. Officers will prowl around during this time and make sure all inmates are out of the barrack and are lined up properly, and then count the rows of each barrack.
      4. Compound personnel will contact East Facility Main Control and relay their counts.
    2. If a dorm/barrack count does not clear, the dorm/compound officer will:
      1. Recount the line.
      2. Check inside the dorm/barrack for any inmates.
    3. If the second count does not clear, the Desk shall:
      1. Recheck any out-of-counts.
      2. Check all movement records.
    2. Prior to the wristband count, the East Main Control will make copies of the barrack purges, separate them by dorm, make adjustments for the out-of-counts on the purges, and distribute them to their respective dorm officers.
    3. After the purges have been distributed by the Desk, the dorm/compound officers will conduct a wristband count.  Personnel shall compare the name and booking number of each inmate’s wristband to that on the barrack purge.  Discrepancies should be noted and corrected immediately upon completion of all wristband checks in the officers' assigned compound.
    4. Wristbands shall also be examined for legibility, proper fit, and for signs of fraying or tampering by touching and tugging on the wristband.  In the event a wristband is found to be damaged, illegible or missing, the inmate shall be removed from his housing area and kept away from all other inmates, until he has been positively identified and has received a new wristband.

    Inmates needing to be positively identified through Livescan fingerprinting shall be escorted to the PDC-South Inmate Processing Area where IPA personnel will take their prints and obtain a positive identification, prior to a new wristband being issued and attached.

    1. The dorm/compound officer will then call in his/her count to the Desk for clearance.


    It is imperative that compounds maintain an accurate tally of in and out of count inmates in the Unit Daily Activity Log and Facility Log.  These entries shall reflect a detailed description of all inmate movement into and out of each barrack. If a dorm/barrack’s count and out of count totals do not match with the East Facility Main Control, the Line Sergeant shall immediately be notified and a review of the UDAL shall be conducted to ascertain the discrepancy.

    Once the discrepancy has been identified, an explanation shall be made in the UDAL and the count corrected. Under no circumstances will a count correction be made unless the discrepancy is positively identified and the Sergeant concurs.

    The name of the Sergeant who was notified and approved the correction shall also be documented. Under no circumstances will personnel adjust the count of a compound or barrack without notifying a Sergeant or above.