Employee Man Down #0024


To establish policy and guidelines for personnel responding to employees injured/man down on duty.


This order applies to all personnel assigned to the Fire Camp Training Unit/PDC-East Facility.


When it comes to the attention of personnel that there is an ill or injured employee who needs immediate medical aid, the following procedure shall be followed:

  1. Personnel shall notify Main Control that there is an employee down, and give the employee’s sex, age, and medical issue.
  2. Main Control shall call 9-1-1 and request paramedics and an ambulance to the location.
  3. Main Control shall notify South Facility Desk Operations of the emergency, and request an “Adam” unit escort the emergency vehicles to the location of the incident.
  4. If the incident location is in the field on PDC property (hiking trails), on-scene personnel shall contact the South Facility Desk immediately via radio, on the PDC South main channel 10, and request aid and assistance.
  5. On-scene personnel shall render immediate first aid/lifesaving measures until relieved by emergency medical services.
  6. On-scene personnel shall survey the situation, and request assistance from South Facility (primary) or NCCF (secondary) if needed, via Fire Camp/East Main Control.
  7. The Fire Camp/East on-duty supervisor shall respond to the scene, and accompany the injured/ill employee to the hospital.  If no supervisor is on-duty, Main Control shall notify South (primary) or NCCF (secondary) of the emergency and request a supervisor respond.
  8. If no unit supervisors are on duty, the on-scene supervisor shall notify the Fire Camp Lieutenant or Operations Sergeant at home of the incident.