Laundry Exchange #0013


This order establishes policy and provides guidelines for an orderly and controlled exchange of inmate clothing and bedding.


This order applies to all personnel assigned to the Fire Camp Training Unit



Clothing and underwear exchange is done daily at the Fire Camp.  Blanket and linen exchange is done at PDC-East Facility.

Each inmate will receive the following items at the fire training camp area during daily laundry exchange:

                                    1          Orange Jumpsuit (Daily at Fire Camp)

                                    1          Pair underwear (Daily at Fire Camp)

                                    1          T-shirts (Daily)

                                    1          Pair of socks (Daily at Fire Camp)

                                    1          Sheet (twice weekly at PDC-East Facility)

                                    1          Towel (twice weekly at PDC-East Facility)

                                    1          Blanket (once monthly at PDC-East Facility)

The above-indicated items are mandated to be exchanged by Title 15.  The exchange reporting period is Friday through Thursday.  In the event the exchange of items appears that it may fall short of Title 15 compliance, the unit commander should be notified in advance.

  1. Kitchen Workers - Kitchen workers will have clothing exchange with the general population.  Any inmates missed due to job assignments will be allowed clothing exchange with passes that day.

NOTE: In addition, an effort will be made to exchange kitchen worker jumpsuits on an as-needed basis.

Inmates assigned to work details/projects will be issued a clean jumpsuit (tops and bottoms) each workday following their return from their work sites.  Underwear and T-shirts are exchanged each workday.

  1. Court Returnees - Court returnees will be issued a complete bedroll and jumpsuit by the processing officer when returning from court if the court returnee’s compound had linen exchange.
  2. Blanket Exchange - Each inmate will be issued one blanket upon arrival.  One blanket will be exchanged once each month. ( 2 blankets shall be issued during the winter months)
  3. Jackets - Each inmate will be issued one jacket upon arrival during the winter months.
  4. Thermals - Each inmate will be issued one set of thermal underwear upon arrival during the winter months. Thermals will be exchanged if worn or damaged.


  1. All announcements regarding clothing/bedding exchange will be made by the Laundry Officer.
  2. Laundry exchange will be conducted daily at the Fire camp training area Monday-Friday. Sheet, towel exchange will take place at PDC-East facility Friday PM Shift. Blanket exchange will take place on the first Friday of each month on Day Shift.
  3. For Daily laundry exchange, the Inmates will line up outside of Barrack 20 in barrack order for laundry exchange.


  1. During laundry exchange and on a random basis, compound personnel may elect to conduct a barrack search in the presence of a Senior Deputy or a sergeant.
  2. This procedure then allows personnel to walk down the center aisle and visually inspect each bunk for excess items.  The purpose of this procedure is to prevent inmates from accumulating county linen and clothing, which in turn will eliminate the odors and fire hazards of dirty laundry.
  3. Upon completion of the search, a Custody Facility Search Report is completed. The search report will show the location, the reference number, who was present for the search, the time, items recovered, and contraband found. The search report is submitted to the Camp Sergeant for review and signature.

IV.       MATTRESSES                                                                    

  1. Upon entry to the facility, each inmate will receive two serviceable mattresses stored inside the processing barrack.


  1. The laundry officer will prepare a report each Friday containing the inventory of clean items in stock.  The report will also indicate the amount and type of clothing, linen, and bedding anticipated to meet the next week's needs.  The facility commander shall have the report faxed to the laundry administrator.