3-02-060 TASER Procedures


The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for the carrying and deployment of the X26 or X26P TASERs.  


This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) North Facility.


TASERs will be routinely deployed and carried within PDC North Facility. Title 15 deputies, Inmate Processing Area (IPA) deputies, module rangers, clinic deputies, laundry deputies, and facility rangers shall be assigned a TASER.

It is imperative to not leave a TASER unsecured. TASERs shall be secured in the TASER locker cabinet located in main control if they are not passed on at shift change. The placement or removal of any TASER from the cabinet shall be documented in the TASER log at main control. At the beginning of each shift, the watch deputy/desk officer shall conduct an inventory of the TASERs to ensure accountability. Any deficiencies shall be immediately reported to the watch commander or shift supervisor. In no situation shall any TASER be left in any Module Control Office (MCO) or Dorm Control Office (DCO).

Shift supervisors, at the minimum rank of Supervising Line Deputy (SLD), shall ensure personnel assigned to work designated positions are assigned the TASER on each shift. Module control officers shall account for these items in the electronic Uniform Daily Activity Log (e-UDAL) for each shift.

Only personnel who are TASER certified by Custody Training and Standards Bureau (CTSB) shall carry and deploy the TASER. It shall be the responsibility of the PDC North Facility training staff to ensure all personnel assigned to the above positions are knowledgeable of the proper deployment, use, and reporting procedures governing the TASER. 

It shall be the responsibility of the PDC North Facility training staff to ensure that every TASER in the facility (working or not) is downloaded before the seventh day of every month. All TASER downloads shall be kept in the PDC North Facility shared files in the training folder.

At the completion of all TASER downloads, the training staff shall notify the watch commander. The watch commander shall be responsible for documenting when the downloads occur in the watch commander’s log.