07-175/06 Mail Procedures

                                         Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department





Unit Order:  #07-175/06

Effective Date:  01-01-1999

Reviewed Date: 12-18-2024

Subject: Mail Procedures

Reference: MPP 5-03/190.20, 5-03/190.25, & 5-03/195.00; CDM 5-06/070.00; Title 15, section 1863

Unit Commander Signature:                                                   Date:



The purpose of this unit order is to establish procedures for processing incoming and

outgoing inmate mail.


SCOPE OF ORDER:         

This order applies to all personnel assigned to and/or working at the North County

Correctional Facility (NCCF).



There is no limitation on the volume of mail an inmate may send or receive. Inmate correspondence may be read when there is a valid security reason and with the approval of the watch commander. Personnel shall not read confidential/legal correspondence.

The following are the procedures for each shift’s responsibilities for processing inmate mail:



            Outgoing Inmate Mail

A.        Inspect and seal all inmate correspondence.

B.        Place all mail in a plastic bag.  Place a visible piece of paper labeled “Outgoing Mail” inside the bag.  Ensure no inmate requests, complaints, and/or re-routed mail are placed inside the “outgoing mail” bag.

C.        All re-routed mail shall be placed in a separate bag.

D.        Deliver all outgoing and re-routed mail to Inmate Services.



            Incoming Inmate Mail

  1. Collect incoming mail from Inmate Services at the beginning of shift.
  2. Sort mail by dorm location and deliver to appropriate staff station for PM shift delivery.


PM SHIFT        

    Mail Delivery and Undelivered Mail

  1. An announcement shall be made to all dorms by Central Control, notifying all inmates to prepare themselves for “Mail Call” at 2000 hrs. The dorm dayrooms shall be temporarily closed to minimize inmate movement. Phone and shower use shall be allowed to continue until count time at 2030 hrs.
  2. All unclaimed mail shall be checked using the SI01 screen for the respective inmate’s new housing location. The new housing location shall be written on the envelope.
  • Mail re-routed for housing areas within NCCF shall be redistributed.
  • Mail re-routed to outside housing facilities (e.g., MCJ, TTCF, etc.) shall be placed in a plastic bag labeled “Re-route.”
  1. Once mail distribution is complete it shall be documented in the e-UDAL. If mail was not distributed, the reason shall be documented in the e-UDAL.
  2. EM shift staff station rovers shall collect all re-routed mail and deliver it to Inmate Services.

Under NO circumstances should inmate mail be handled by another inmate.