Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
Unit Order: # 07-171/00 |
Effective Date: 10-08-2024 Reviewed Date: 10-08-2024 |
Subject: Automated External Defibrillators / Medical Emergencies |
Reference: CDM 3-14/090.05; CDM 5.03/060.00; CDM 6-05/030.00; |
Unit Commander Signature: Date: |
The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for the use and deployment of automated external defibrillators (AED) during a medical emergency.
This order applies to all personnel assigned to and/or working at the North County Correctional Facility (NCCF).
In cases where an inmate is found to be sick, injured, unresponsive and or in need of any form of medical assistance, building personnel shall deploy an AED (if it is readily available). In cases where the inmate is found to be unresponsive, does not appear to be breathing, or lacks a pulse or other signs of circulation, custody personnel shall employ the AED. Custody personnel should not employ the AED if the inmate is conscious, breathing, or has a detectable pulse or other signs of circulation. Refer to Custody Division Manual (CDM) sections 3-14/090.00, "First Aid and Emergency Response Kits, and 5-03/060.15, “Response to Inmate Medical Emergencies.”
To facilitate a safe, effective, and immediate response, Department personnel are authorized to deploy and/or use the AED without direct supervision, in an effort to render aid during medical emergencies.
The AED will typically be applied by medical staff; however, in the event an AED is available and medical personnel are delayed or require additional assistance, custody personnel have an obligation to provide the level of medical care for which they are trained. This includes the application of the AED.
Department personnel who respond to medical emergencies should broadcast, via their Department issued radio, the following information:
The AEDs shall be located in each building of the facility. Additionally, one AED shall be located on each floor where inmates are housed.
The assigned building supervising line deputy (SLD) and/or their designee shall ensure the AEDs are accounted for and fully charged at the start of their shift. The information regarding the AED shall be logged in the electronic Uniform Daily Activity Log (e-UDAL).
Each AED machine comes equipped with two (2) pads. The pads are for one-time use only. For any equipment repairs or replacement of deployed AEDs, including batteries or damage, contact the NCCF training unit.