07-170/20 Lice / Scabies / Infestation

Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department





Unit Order:  #07-170/20

Effective Date:  01-01-1998   

Reviewed Date: 04-19-2024

Subject: Lice / Scabies / Infestation

Reference: CCR Title 15, Section 1212 & 1264; UO 07-095/05

Unit Commander Signature:                                                   Date:




The purpose of this unit order is to establish procedures for handling inmates infested

with pediculi (lice). This order also establishes procedures for handling infested

clothing, along with inmates who have been identified as having scabies.


SCOPE OF ORDER:         

This order applies to all personnel assigned to and/or working at the North County

Correctional Facility (NCCF).



Personnel who observe or receive a complaint that an inmate may be infested with body lice, nits, crabs, etc., shall immediately contact Custody Health Services (CHS) personnel and inquire how to proceed.


If CHS personnel request the inmate be sent to the infirmary, the potentially infested inmate shall place all of their additional clothing/linen inside of a plastic bag and the inmate, along with the bag, shall be escorted to the infirmary for treatment.


Upon confirmation from CHS personnel that the inmate has a parasite, all previously worn contaminated clothing shall be placed in the plastic bag, along with the other contaminated items. The bag shall be sealed, labeled “CONTAMINATED ARTICLES,” and sent to the Inmate Processing Area (IPA) dock for processing. Refer to unit order 07-095/05, “Laundry Issue and Exchange” for further information on disposing of contaminated materials.


The inmate shall be issued a clean and complete set of clothing/linen and returned to their assigned housing location. If necessary, the inmate’s cell/bunk shall be sprayed with Citra-Cide.


Inmates identified with scabies shall be evaluated and treated by CHS personnel.


Personnel shall notify the watch sergeant and coordinate with CHS to medically screen all inmates in the dorm.  If necessary, and/or at the recommendation of CHS personnel, the entire housing location shall be cleaned accordingly.


Detailed notations of the infestation and sanitization procedures shall be documented in the electronic Uniform Daily Activity Log (e-UDAL) and Watch Commander's Log.