07-045/00 Inmate Discipline Procedures

Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department





Unit Order:  07-045/00

Effective Date:  01-01-1998

Reviewed Date: 04-19-2024

Subject: Inmate Discipline Procedures

Reference: CCR Title 15, Section 1080 thru 1084; CDM 7-02/020.00, 5-09/010.00 thru 5-09/080.00; UO 07-125/20

Unit Commander Signature:                                     Date:



The purpose of this unit order is to establish procedures for handling pre-discipline and

discipline inmates.


SCOPE OF ORDER:         

This order applies to all personnel assigned to and/or working at the North County

Correctional Facility (NCCF).




Refer to Custody Division Manual (CDM) sections 5-09/010.00 through 5-09/080.00 for standard procedures. This unit order (UO) articulates procedures specific to NCCF.

General Processing for Disciplinary Review Board (DRB) Hearing

All inmates scheduled to attend a Disciplinary Review Board (DRB) hearing shall have their property inventoried by [REDACTED TEXT] building personnel and shall be given the opportunity to bring what current guidelines allow as acceptable property while housed in discipline.  

Inmates shall sign a property receipt (triplicate) form. One copy of the property receipt shall be given to the inmate, one copy placed in the clear plastic bag containing the inmate’s property (visible from the outside), and the third copy attached to the block card. Inmates without property shall sign the triplicate form indicating that “No Property” was stored. In this case, one copy of the property receipt shall be given to the inmate, and the other two copies attached to the block card.

Once the inventory is completed, the [REDACTED TEXT] building sergeant or supervising line deputy shall be notified. Under the supervision of either the [REDACTED TEXT] building sergeant or supervising line deputy, the inmates shall be escorted from the pre-disciplinary dorm to the [REDACTED TEXT] dayroom. A strip and visual body cavity search and dress out shall be conducted in the [REDACTED TEXT] dayroom under the supervision of the [REDACTED TEXT] building sergeant or supervising line deputy.

Upon completion of the search, the inmates shall be escorted to the [REDACTED TEXT] visiting area and secured in the one-man booths where they will await their individual hearings, which are conducted in private in the interview room.

DRB Configuration and Recorded Documentation

The DRB shall consist of the [REDACTED TEXT] building sergeant and the a second uninvolved sergeant. The second sergeant shall be the inmate services sergeant. If the inmate services sergeant is unavailable, then the watch sergeant or an uninvolved building sergeant shall assist in the DRB.

NCCF Considerations for Prior or Multiple Violations and Discipline Time

Prior violations shall not be used to increase time in discipline beyond the most serious offense time limit according to the discipline schedule posted in CDM section 5-09/030.00, “Limitations on Disciplinary Actions,” which is linked on the [REDACTED TEXT] building’s web page.

Adding discipline time for multiple violations, also known as “stacking” violations, shall not occur. A violation shall be selected, and the inmate will be assessed discipline based on the bail schedule for that single violation.

Inmate Competency

An inmate shall be considered incompetent to handle their disciplinary case if the inmate states, or it is obvious to members of the DRB, that the complexity of the issue makes it unlikely that the inmate will be able to collect and present evidence necessary for an adequate presentation of the case.

A counsel substitute may consist of aid from a fellow inmate or staff member, or from an inmate designated by the DRB. The substitution process shall not unreasonably delay the DRB hearing.

Post-DRB Procedures

Upon completion of the DRB, the inmates shall remain secured inside the [REDACTED TEXT] visiting booths pending housing in a discipline dorm or return to general population.

Inmates who were issued a disciplinary sentence will be asked to sign their “Notice of Disciplinary Violations” (SH-J-380). If the inmate refuses to sign this notice, the handling deputy shall write “Refused” on it, give a copy to the inmate, and attach the original to the block card as proof of service. This refusal shall be witnessed by a supervising line deputy or sergeant.

Should inmates receive a disciplinary sentence consisting of loss of good-time/work-time credits, removal form work status, or disciplinary housing, they shall be issued the “Notice of Action,” which is generated by the IRTS application, and notified that they may appeal the decision to an NCCF lieutenant or the unit commander. Such inmates may request an appeal form after the completion of their DRB hearing from any deputy or custody assistant. Their completed appeal forms detailing the basis upon which they believe the discipline is not appropriate, shall be expeditiously forwarded to a pool of available personnel at the permanent rank of lieutenant or, if the inmate so chooses, to the unit commander by [REDACTED TEXT] building personnel so that an appeal hearing can be scheduled. The discipline may be modified or left in place after review by the lieutenant or unit commander.

Housing locations within the [REDACTED TEXT] building shall be determined by the max-control deputy or officer. Inmates shall be escorted and housed according to the current housing and movement guidelines.

Housing locations for inmates who are being returned to general population shall be obtained by contacting the Population Management Bureau (PMB). Those cells housing discipline or administrative segregation inmates shall be searched and thoroughly cleaned whenever the inmate is reassigned to another housing location.

Inmates may be handcuffed at any time prior to their DRB and secured in any holding area within the [REDACTED TEXT] building if they have a known history of being confrontational with staff. These inmates shall be noted on the “[REDACTED TEXT] Building Sergeant Video Movement Board.” Inmates who become uncooperative shall be handled per CDM section 7-02/020.00, “Handling Insubordinate, Recalcitrant, Hostile, or Aggressive Inmates.”

Note: Inmates shall sign for and be issued their stored property anytime they go to court or are leaving NCCF for housing elsewhere.