Unit Order: #07-170/35 |
Effective Date: 01-01-1998 Revision Date: 03-19-2019 Review Date: 03-19-2021 |
Subject: Inmates with Mental Health Disorders |
Reference: CCR Title 15 Sections 1052, 1209, 1210 & 1217; CDM 4-05/000.00, |
Unit Commander Signature: ORIGINAL SIGNED Date: 11/28/2018 |
PURPOSE OF ORDER: The purpose of this unit order is to establish procedures for handling mentally disordered inmates.
SCOPE OF ORDER: This order applies to all personnel assigned to and/or working at the North County Correctional Facility (NCCF).
All personnel who identify an inmate through observation, information received from another person (i.e., relative, clergy, etc.), intake screening, or exhibited behavior indicative of possible mental illness shall complete the electronic Behavioral Observation and Mental Health Referral (e-BOMHR), available through the Custody Automated Reporting and Tracking System (CARTS), in place of the printed BOMHR form, absent circumstances in which use of the e-BOMHR is not possible (e.g., system failure, an emergency that significantly affects facility operations, etc.).
Notify the building supervisor and, with their concurrence, complete the first five (5) sections of the BOMHR report or the corresponding sections in the e-BOMHR, as soon as reasonably practicable, but no later than the end of the shift. Personnel shall include the BOMHR report, the date and time the report was initiated, and the names of any witnesses.
NOTE: The Jail Mental Evaluation Team (JMET) is available to all PDC jail facilities Monday-Saturday from 0700 – 1500 hours to conduct mental health assessments.
Follow the procedures delineated in Custody Division Manual (CDM) section 4-05/000.00, “Behavioral Observation and Mental Health Referral Reports” and ensure the original BOMHR report remains with the inmate. If the inmate is transported out of NCCF, photocopy the report for NCCF records before the original report leaves with the inmate who is being transported.
If medical staff decides no further action is necessary, the supervising line deputy or sergeant may decide to request reclassification of the inmate through the completion of an Inmate Incident Report (SH-J-213), should conditions warrant it.
Suicidal Inmates
If the inmate is suicidal or if a suicide attempt was made, follow the procedures delineated in CDM section 5-01/050.00, “Handling of Suicidal Inmates.”