Unit Order: #07-170/30 |
Effective Date: 01-01-1998 Revision Date: 03-19-2019 Review Date: 03-19-2021 |
Subject: Medical Services, Definitions and Procedures |
Reference: CDM 5-03/020.00, 5-03/050.00, 5-03/110.00; CSD Bulletin #2013-10;CHS M213.01; UO 07-125/10 |
Unit Commander Signature: ORIGINAL SIGNED Date: 08/02/2017 |
PURPOSE OF ORDER: The purpose of this order is to establish procedures and provide information on the medical services available to inmates at the North County Correctional Facility (NCCF) and how inmates will access those services.
SCOPE OF ORDER: This order applies to all personnel assigned to and/or working at NCCF.
SICK CALL: Sick call is the process through which medical personnel identify, examine, and care for inmate illnesses and injuries. Appropriate referrals for specialized healthcare treatments are made if needed.
PILL CALL: This daily service handled by medical personnel provides prescribed medications to inmates at specified times.
TREATMENT LINE: Inmates who have been seen by medical staff are issued passes for this line when treatment for a specific medical condition is needed. Treatment will be provided by a nurse or doctor as required.
DOCTORS LINE: Inmates who have been seen by medical staff are issued passes for this line when further evaluation or treatment by a physician is needed.
DENTAL LINE: This service provides inmates with access to dental services by a dentist.
EYE LINE: This service provides inmates with access to an optometrist/ophthalmologist for vision and eye care.
LAB WORK LINE: Inmates who have been seen by medical staff are issued passes for this line when special lab test(s) are needed.
PSYCHIATRIC LINE: Inmates are placed on this line when Correctional Health Services (CHS) staff or line personnel submit a non-emergent request for an inmate to be evaluated by mental health personnel.
DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES: All patients reported or confirmed to be developmentally disabled shall be referred to the medical/mental health staff for evaluation of immediate medical/psychosocial needs, appropriate placement and housing referral. A developmentally disabled person is defined as follows: “People with disabilities includes, but is not limited to, persons with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of their major life activities or those persons with a record of such impairment or perceived impairment that does not include substance use disorders resulting from current illegal use of a controlled substance.” (CHS M213.01)
Passes for health care services shall be given the utmost priority and shall take precedence over all other inmate programs.
SICK CALL (BUILDINGS 500, 600, 700 and 800)
Inmates who want to go to sick call must complete and submit a Health Services Request Form. These forms are located in each housing area and can be completed and submitted by inmates at any time by placing completed forms in the Inmate Request/Complaint Boxes located at each dorm.
Inmates housed in buildings 500, 600, 700 and 800 shall receive their sick call at the building’s nurse clinic within their respective building. Each building shall use only one dayroom per floor to gather those inmates requesting this medical service. All inmates going to sick call shall be fully dressed with their shirts tucked in and prepared to show the nurse their wristband. The assigned staff station deputy, custody assistant, or rover shall monitor the sick call process and assist medical staff as needed.
Deputies and custody assistants shall not direct medical personnel to interview inmates through the bars regarding their medical issues. Medical personnel will call the inmates into the building’s nurse clinic where they will be interviewed away from the presence of other inmates.
During sick call, a designated building rover shall provide security for the nurse during this time to ensure the nurse clinic is not overcrowded with inmates, and the security of medications and material in the building’s nurse clinic is being maintained.
Inmates who want to go to sick call must complete and submit a Health Services Request Form. These forms are located in each housing area and can be completed and submitted by inmates at any time by placing completed forms in the Inmate Request/Complaint Boxes located at each dorm.
Inmates housed in building 900 will be seen in the building’s nurse clinic for sick call. Inmates must be fully dressed with shirts tucked in and prepared to show the nurse their wristband.
Personnel assigned to building 900 shall provide appropriate escort for inmates who request sick call based upon their security classification and housing status. During sick call, a deputy shall provide security to ensure the nurse clinic is not overcrowded with inmates and the security of medications and materials in the building’s nurse clinic is being maintained.
PILL CALL (BUILDINGS 500, 600, 700, and 800)
To reduce inmate movement, inmates receive their medication in their housing location from the designated pill call nurse. Building sergeants and supervising line deputies shall ensure proper pill call procedures are followed by all personnel working in their building.
Medical personnel shall check in at the sergeant’s office when they arrive at each building for pill call. The building supervising line deputy shall direct a rover to report to the sergeant’s office to escort medical personnel as they conduct pill call. This rover shall provide security for medical personnel by standing in close proximity to them during pill call and confirm pill call is logged into each work location’s electronic Uniform Daily Activity Log (e-UDAL).
As medical personnel approach each staff station, building personnel shall announce “Pill Call” to the inmates housed there and make this announcement:
“All televisions and phones will be turned off. Please line up in alphabetical order, fully dressed, shirts tucked in, and be prepared to show your wristbands to the nurse. Have your water ready to take your medications.”
It is the responsibility of medical personnel to ensure each inmate has placed the medication in their mouth. Deputy personnel shall assist medical personnel by making a reasonable effort to ensure the inmate ingests the medication. In the event the inmate becomes insubordinate and refuses to allow the nurse or the deputy to confirm the consumption of medication, deputies shall follow the notification procedures as outlined in the Custody Division Manual section
7-02/020.00, “Handling Insubordinate, Recalcitrant, Hostile or Aggressive Inmates.”
CHS has approved some inmates for self-medication. Those inmates who qualify are given medication for a prescribed interval and take their required, medically-ordered dosage on their own, without having to go to the infirmary, building clinic, or daily pill call. This reduces the number of inmates in the infirmary and building clinics during pill call times, thereby enhancing security.
Pill call shall be handled in building 900 as described above with the following modifications specific to building 900, which is a high-security housing area.
Inmates who have been approved by CHS for self-medication shall be escorted according to their security classification and housing status to the infirmary or building clinic by a designated building rover (disciplinary inmates shall be escorted per NCCF Unit Order [UO] 07-125/10). The rover(s) shall provide security while the inmate receives his medication. Once the inmate has received their supply of medication, they will no longer need to participate in daily pill call to receive their medication.
All other inmates in building 900 who are prescribed medication and not approved for self-medication shall receive their medications in their housing locations during pill call.
When medical personnel arrives in building 900 for pill call, they shall notify the building 900 supervising line deputy who shall ensure at least one building 900 deputy provides security and assists the nurse as required throughout the pill call process.
BUILDINGS 500, 600, 700, AND 800
Medical personnel will send a computer-generated pass ordering the inmate to report to medical services.
Once the pass is received at the staff station, the inmate shall be released from his dorm or work area (for inmate workers) and directed to go, unescorted, to the medical services building.
Upon their arrival, the infirmary deputy will route them to the services area for which their pass was issued. Upon completion of treatment, the infirmary deputy shall direct the inmate to return to his housing or work area.
Any of the above noted medical services that can be conducted in the building 900 nurse clinic should be handled there. Building 900 inmates who require services that must be provided in the facility’s infirmary shall be escorted to the medical services building by a designated building 900 deputy (discipline inmates shall be escorted per UO 07-125/10). Depending upon the classification of the individual inmate, the deputy may be required to remain in the infirmary to provide security.
Inmates identified by medical personnel for transfer out of NCCF in order to receive further medical treatment shall be placed on the first available transport (FAT) list. Medical personnel refers to this list as the “NCCF Medical Transfer Out (FAT)” list.
For inmates who need immediate transport for medical reasons, via radio car or ambulance, the F-200 medical form shall be used instead.
The NCCF medical transfer list will be sent to the Inmate Processing Area (IPA) two times each weekday (Monday through Friday). To provide the IPA with sufficient time to prepare this list of inmates for transport, it must be sent to the IPA by the following “cutoff” times:
The IPA deputy will fill out the “DISPO” section on the list. This entry will show “sent” for inmates transferred for the medical reason or will list a reason why the inmate may not have been transferred (e.g., in court, released, not housed at NCCF, etc.).
The IPA deputy will then copy this list and return it to the medical staff for reference. The IPA’s copy of this list shall be retained for future reference.