03-005/00 Support Services

Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department





Unit Order:  #03-005/00

Effective Date:  01-01-1998

Reviewed Date: 11/19/2024

Subject: Support Services         

Reference:   CCR Title 15, Sections 1061, 1063, 1070, 1072, 1200, 1209,
and 1230; CDM 2-00/040.00 and 2-00/050.00

Unit Commander Signature:                           Date:



PURPOSE OF ORDER:     The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for support services available at the North County Correctional Facility (NCCF).


SCOPE OF ORDER:          This order applies to all personnel assigned to and/or working at NCCF.



The following support services are provided:


Medical Services

Medical Services shall be provided by Correctional Health Services (CHS). Trained medical staff members administer medical care, as needed, for all inmates assigned to NCCF.


Mental Health Services

Mental health services shall be provided by CHS. Their trained, mental health professionals are partnered with deputies within Custody Division and form the Jail Mental Evaluation Teams (JMET). These teams provide mental health services throughout the Division.


Food Services

Food services shall be provided by the Food Services Unit. Trained culinary staff members prepare and serve meals for both inmates and custody personnel.


Educational Services

Educational services are provided by Five Keys Charter School and the Education Based Incarceration (EBI) Unit.


Religious and Volunteer Services

These services are coordinated by members of the Office of Religious and Volunteer Services (RVS). 


Vocational Shops

Print shop, sign shop and sewing shop classes are offered to inmates.  The instructors for these classes are provided by Five Keys Charter School.


Alcohol and Narcotic Dependency Issues

These services are provided by Alcoholic Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA), which are civilian volunteer organizations. Assistance to maintain sobriety from alcohol/drugs is provided to inmates requesting "sponsorship upon release."  AA and NA volunteers will provide the requesting inmates with contact information for such resources.


Inmate Services

NCCF inmate services personnel shall provide the following: athletic and recreational equipment; answers regarding various aspects of the inmate's sentence and future court dates; and legal forms along with court addresses.


NCCF inmate services personnel also coordinates haircut services that are provided by inmate workers. The NCCF barbershop is located in the inmate services area of building [REDACTED TEXT].

NOTE: Items available to indigent inmates are distributed by personnel assigned to the buildings where inmates are housed.


Community Transition

The Community Transition Unit (CTU), in partnership with public and private community-based organizations and programs, enhances inmate participation in educational, vocational, and other life-skills training programs, in order to assist them with their successful reintegration into the community. Two members of the CTU have been assigned an office at NCCF to provide these services to inmates housed at NCCF.