Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
Unit Order: #07-095/00
Effective Date: 01-01-1998
Reviewed Date: 06-05-2023
Subject: Management of Inmate Clothing
Reference: CA Penal Code 4600, CCR Title 15, Sections 1260-1263;
UO 07-045/00, 07-095/05
Unit Commander Signature: Date:
PURPOSE OF ORDER: The purpose of this unit order is to establish procedures for the maintenance of adequate supplies of inmate clothing and linen.
SCOPE OF ORDER: This order applies to all personnel assigned to and/or working at the North County Correctional Facility (NCCF).
Minimizing the loss, destruction, theft, disposal and hoarding of inmate clothing and linen is necessary to ensure adequate supplies are maintained. Personnel shall strictly enforce the following regulations, utilizing the appropriate inmate disciplinary guidelines:
- Inmates assigned to NCCF will possess the basic issues of clothing (including underwear), linen and bedding as established by Custody Division. Possession more than the issued quantities will be a violation of jail regulations and appropriate discipline will be administered (refer to Unit Manual section #07-045/00).
- Any alteration of county issued property is a violation of jail rules. Permanent alteration of county issued laundry items is considered "Destruction of County Property" and is a crime under Penal Code Sections 4600. Inmates will be held accountable for the clothing articles they possess.
- Staff will ensure clothing items are not mixed with trash during clean-up. The trash crew will make a secondary search of the trash and retrieve any clothing or linen.
- Laundry articles are not to be used in any manner other than what they were intended, i.e., utilizing laundry items for cleaning purposes or for the private use of employees.
- Staff station officers shall verify all inmates being released or transferred have their issued laundry items before they are allowed to leave the housing location.